Just a moment to say, I hope you all voted today. I did!! I'm praying that America carefully and prayerfully considered their final decision as they voted.
Now, back to my Nanowrimo!! Wheeeeeeee!!! :)
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Saturday, November 03, 2012
Friday, October 26, 2012
Friday night with my dad, here in a bit. Gathering up my chargers, my Kindle, my snacks, coffee, and my courage. My fear is that I'll break down and cry in front of him. Praying I don't do that. Praying he doesn't fall on my watch. That's actually my biggest fear of all. It will be okay, I'm sure.
Lots of plans listed on my adenda for the weekend. Two or three different things going on Saturday, including some pumpkin carving with my two-year-old grandson! I can't wait to see him and get my hugs and kisses quota! Then, on to Tulsa for some new and exciting adventures. Sounds mysterious, huh? Hoping that goes well. Keep your fingers crossed and prayers said. Will report more on that later, maybe?
Most excited about my Sunday adventures though! I will make my first stop in Stillwater to see Morgy and drop off her huge suitcase of handmade jewelry. She forgot and left it here when she came home for Fall Break a few weeks ago. It was fun going through it and borrowing a new and different necklace on a daily basis.
Must go feed the horses and Miss Kitty, then, head to my dad's!
Note to self: MUST go look for some nice, warm, flannel jammies this weekend. It's getting cold outside!
Have a great weekend, friends.
Lots of plans listed on my adenda for the weekend. Two or three different things going on Saturday, including some pumpkin carving with my two-year-old grandson! I can't wait to see him and get my hugs and kisses quota! Then, on to Tulsa for some new and exciting adventures. Sounds mysterious, huh? Hoping that goes well. Keep your fingers crossed and prayers said. Will report more on that later, maybe?
Most excited about my Sunday adventures though! I will make my first stop in Stillwater to see Morgy and drop off her huge suitcase of handmade jewelry. She forgot and left it here when she came home for Fall Break a few weeks ago. It was fun going through it and borrowing a new and different necklace on a daily basis.
Must go feed the horses and Miss Kitty, then, head to my dad's!
Note to self: MUST go look for some nice, warm, flannel jammies this weekend. It's getting cold outside!
Have a great weekend, friends.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Ahhh....rainy Saturdays, now that's my kind of day. On one hand, I want to just stay home, do some baking, curl up, and read a good book. What I REALLY should be doing is grading papers, recording those grades, doing laundry, and packing for my fall break trip. However, I'm also tempted to drive to T-town and visit with some old and new friends and have some fun! With a threat of heavy thunderstorms and possible tornadoes on the horizon, my common sense tells me to stay home and do those boring teacher chores. It's no fun making grown-up decisions! What to do, what to do?
The OU/Texas game is going on today. That event always brings back horrible memories, just like it was yesterday. One of my new favorite quotes regarding this time in my life is, "Better to hurt me with the truth, than fool me with a lie." Truth. A very hard concept to understand for some people. Why? Just tell the truth and get it over with. A much better option for all parties involved.
Going to take a shower, rather late in the day, then, decide what to do on this lovely, lazy, rainy Saturday. I'm leaning toward a road trip to T-town....
The OU/Texas game is going on today. That event always brings back horrible memories, just like it was yesterday. One of my new favorite quotes regarding this time in my life is, "Better to hurt me with the truth, than fool me with a lie." Truth. A very hard concept to understand for some people. Why? Just tell the truth and get it over with. A much better option for all parties involved.
Going to take a shower, rather late in the day, then, decide what to do on this lovely, lazy, rainy Saturday. I'm leaning toward a road trip to T-town....
Sunday, October 07, 2012
"Life is too short to wear white socks."
I've always loved crazy, colorful socks, pretty much all of my life. My friends have often growled at me when they've asked me what I wanted for Christmas. My reply is always, "Socks!" I love socks. Well, let me clarify, I love socks during the winter time. I love flip flops or, better yet, bare feet, the rest of the time, weather permitting. However, my collection grew quite large and I decided to purge a large portion of my sock drawer just this past summer. Now, I'm missing my cool socks. It's getting a little nippy outside and I am almost without cute socks. I'm down to a few pair of (ugh) white, no-show socks that I wear w/my gym shoes, for those wonderful walks with Mr. Treadmill, three or four times a week. What was I thinking?!?!? Purgers remorse, I guess.
Same thing happened with my flannel jammies. This past summer, I decided that my old, comfy flannel jammies were just a little TOO worn, and a wee bit holey. Telling myself I really did need to buy some better p.j.s, I reluctantly threw away my only two pair of flannel jammies. Now, I'm REALLY having regrets. Guess what? I can't find any flannel p.j.s anywhere!!! Yikes! What will I do? It's already getting chilly!! I miss my flannels. :(
I've always loved crazy, colorful socks, pretty much all of my life. My friends have often growled at me when they've asked me what I wanted for Christmas. My reply is always, "Socks!" I love socks. Well, let me clarify, I love socks during the winter time. I love flip flops or, better yet, bare feet, the rest of the time, weather permitting. However, my collection grew quite large and I decided to purge a large portion of my sock drawer just this past summer. Now, I'm missing my cool socks. It's getting a little nippy outside and I am almost without cute socks. I'm down to a few pair of (ugh) white, no-show socks that I wear w/my gym shoes, for those wonderful walks with Mr. Treadmill, three or four times a week. What was I thinking?!?!? Purgers remorse, I guess.
Same thing happened with my flannel jammies. This past summer, I decided that my old, comfy flannel jammies were just a little TOO worn, and a wee bit holey. Telling myself I really did need to buy some better p.j.s, I reluctantly threw away my only two pair of flannel jammies. Now, I'm REALLY having regrets. Guess what? I can't find any flannel p.j.s anywhere!!! Yikes! What will I do? It's already getting chilly!! I miss my flannels. :(
Monday, October 01, 2012
My perfect Heaven.
White, sandy beaches. Blue skies. Sea shells. Grass huts. Turquoise colored water. Hammocks. Cruise ship rocking me to sleep. Island music playing in the background. Palm tree shade. Salty breezes. Parasailing. Endless grilled shrimp, lobster, fresh pineapple, and chocolate covered strawberries. Tiki torches. The scent of coconut. The soothing sounds and spray of a waterfall nearby. No alarm clock. No schedule. No paperwork. Sleep. Sweet, sound sleep.
Take me away.
I can dream, right?
White, sandy beaches. Blue skies. Sea shells. Grass huts. Turquoise colored water. Hammocks. Cruise ship rocking me to sleep. Island music playing in the background. Palm tree shade. Salty breezes. Parasailing. Endless grilled shrimp, lobster, fresh pineapple, and chocolate covered strawberries. Tiki torches. The scent of coconut. The soothing sounds and spray of a waterfall nearby. No alarm clock. No schedule. No paperwork. Sleep. Sweet, sound sleep.
Take me away.
I can dream, right?
Sunday, September 30, 2012
It's the little things in life that make me happy. The things we often take for granted, are the things we miss the most when we lose them.
I had several "little things" awarded or afforded me during the last few days. First of all, my old phone finally gave up the ghost this past Tuesday. I had ordered a new one the previous Tuesday, but, still hadn't received it in the mail, exactly one week later. When it finally failed me for the very last time, I was lost. I had three people trying to contact me and awaiting a return text.
Most importantly, my daughter needed a key piece of information from me. A key piece, being HER username for HER bank account. Yes, I've given it to her numerous times, however, she can't seem to keep track of it or memorize it. She is attending a major university, with a double major, in pre-vet science and agricultural education. So, apparently, she's pretty smart, but, can't remember her username. Go figure. Gotta love her, my twenty-year-old baby girl. She survived. I stressed.
Secondly, a client was trying to contact me to ask a question about appointments scheduled for he and his wife THAT DAY. I couldn't answer him. They survived. I stressed.
The third person did not have an immediate need, thank goodness. Person number three survived. I stressed, somewhat, just because, I like to return my texts as soon as possible.
After giving massages to my client and his wife, I high-tailed it to my nearest cell phone carrier's store-front, hoping to get a loaner phone to hold me over until my new phone arrived in the mail. I was told they "don't do loaner phones", but, they had a "cheap" ($29.99) little phone that would hold me over until I received my "real" phone in the mail. He had also just told me I would probably receive my phone in the next day or two. I explained that I REALLY needed a phone as my daughter lives about 150 miles away and has heart issues. Furthermore, my dad is very ill, and my step-mom needs to be able to reach me, however, I really hate to spend $29.99 +tax, when my phone will most likely arrive within the next day or two. The clerk decided to look at my old phone, I think, hoping to be able to fix it long enough to hold me over until I received my "real" phone. When he examined it, he discovered my SIM card had died. He grabbed one of the little $29.99 phones and put a new SIM card in it, transferred my contacts, and told me to keep the phone after my new one arrived and that way, I'd have one if I ever have similar problems with my phone again. I said, "Okay, so how much do I owe you?" (not really wanting to buy it, but, figuring I had no real choice). He said, "Nothing, it's yours." I said, "No, I need it, I'll pay for it." He said, "No, really, it's okay, just keep it, then, you'll always have a back up." Now, this just made me want to cry. This man did NOT have to do this, but, he did. What a nice gesture to a worried mom of a college-age daughter, with serious health issues, and the daughter of a very loved man, who is battling a brain tumor. What a sweet, sweet guy. Thank you, Lord, for sending angels to me when I need them most. It's the little things that matter most, and help the most. Two days later, on Thursday, I received my "real" phone in the mail.
On Friday, I received another box in the mail, containing two, beautiful Navajo (maybe?) baskets, sent from New Mexico, by a friend. I love anything Southwestern-ish. LOVE. They have that yummy basket smell. I know, I have lots of weird scents that I love. Baskets, leather boots, saddles, etc., new car smell, gasoline, cow or horse poop (I know, really weird, huh?), hay, rain, asphalt, creosote(sp?), burning brush, horses, fresh-cut grass, old books, fresh Crayola brand crayons, and men's Polo. Ay, caramba!!! Do I love that scent!!! Okay, I got WAY off topic there, didn't I? Two small, but lovely little baskets. It's the little things.
Saturday, the friend who sent me the baskets arrived in town, took me out to eat, and ran into Wal-Mart to buy windshield wipers. When we got back to my house, said friend commenced to putting the windsheild wipers on MY truck!! I thought the wipers were for my friend's truck!! No, they were for mine. A small, but, very much appreciated gesture of thoughtfulness. I never, ever said ANYTHING about needing new wipers. Never. It's the little things that make me happy.
Today, I went to church with my sweet, sweet grandson. He is now 27 months old, and still loves to hug and give his GeeGee kisses. I cherish each moment he wants to sit in my lap and scribble on the church pamphlets. He couldn't be any cuter, smarter, or better well-behaved. Yes, the little things ALWAYS tug at my heartstrings.
I had several "little things" awarded or afforded me during the last few days. First of all, my old phone finally gave up the ghost this past Tuesday. I had ordered a new one the previous Tuesday, but, still hadn't received it in the mail, exactly one week later. When it finally failed me for the very last time, I was lost. I had three people trying to contact me and awaiting a return text.
Most importantly, my daughter needed a key piece of information from me. A key piece, being HER username for HER bank account. Yes, I've given it to her numerous times, however, she can't seem to keep track of it or memorize it. She is attending a major university, with a double major, in pre-vet science and agricultural education. So, apparently, she's pretty smart, but, can't remember her username. Go figure. Gotta love her, my twenty-year-old baby girl. She survived. I stressed.
Secondly, a client was trying to contact me to ask a question about appointments scheduled for he and his wife THAT DAY. I couldn't answer him. They survived. I stressed.
The third person did not have an immediate need, thank goodness. Person number three survived. I stressed, somewhat, just because, I like to return my texts as soon as possible.
After giving massages to my client and his wife, I high-tailed it to my nearest cell phone carrier's store-front, hoping to get a loaner phone to hold me over until my new phone arrived in the mail. I was told they "don't do loaner phones", but, they had a "cheap" ($29.99) little phone that would hold me over until I received my "real" phone in the mail. He had also just told me I would probably receive my phone in the next day or two. I explained that I REALLY needed a phone as my daughter lives about 150 miles away and has heart issues. Furthermore, my dad is very ill, and my step-mom needs to be able to reach me, however, I really hate to spend $29.99 +tax, when my phone will most likely arrive within the next day or two. The clerk decided to look at my old phone, I think, hoping to be able to fix it long enough to hold me over until I received my "real" phone. When he examined it, he discovered my SIM card had died. He grabbed one of the little $29.99 phones and put a new SIM card in it, transferred my contacts, and told me to keep the phone after my new one arrived and that way, I'd have one if I ever have similar problems with my phone again. I said, "Okay, so how much do I owe you?" (not really wanting to buy it, but, figuring I had no real choice). He said, "Nothing, it's yours." I said, "No, I need it, I'll pay for it." He said, "No, really, it's okay, just keep it, then, you'll always have a back up." Now, this just made me want to cry. This man did NOT have to do this, but, he did. What a nice gesture to a worried mom of a college-age daughter, with serious health issues, and the daughter of a very loved man, who is battling a brain tumor. What a sweet, sweet guy. Thank you, Lord, for sending angels to me when I need them most. It's the little things that matter most, and help the most. Two days later, on Thursday, I received my "real" phone in the mail.
On Friday, I received another box in the mail, containing two, beautiful Navajo (maybe?) baskets, sent from New Mexico, by a friend. I love anything Southwestern-ish. LOVE. They have that yummy basket smell. I know, I have lots of weird scents that I love. Baskets, leather boots, saddles, etc., new car smell, gasoline, cow or horse poop (I know, really weird, huh?), hay, rain, asphalt, creosote(sp?), burning brush, horses, fresh-cut grass, old books, fresh Crayola brand crayons, and men's Polo. Ay, caramba!!! Do I love that scent!!! Okay, I got WAY off topic there, didn't I? Two small, but lovely little baskets. It's the little things.
Saturday, the friend who sent me the baskets arrived in town, took me out to eat, and ran into Wal-Mart to buy windshield wipers. When we got back to my house, said friend commenced to putting the windsheild wipers on MY truck!! I thought the wipers were for my friend's truck!! No, they were for mine. A small, but, very much appreciated gesture of thoughtfulness. I never, ever said ANYTHING about needing new wipers. Never. It's the little things that make me happy.
Today, I went to church with my sweet, sweet grandson. He is now 27 months old, and still loves to hug and give his GeeGee kisses. I cherish each moment he wants to sit in my lap and scribble on the church pamphlets. He couldn't be any cuter, smarter, or better well-behaved. Yes, the little things ALWAYS tug at my heartstrings.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
I stayed with my dad again last night, while my step-mom went to the local football game to watch her grandson play. He got up about 7:45 p.m. and sat in the livingroom with me. I found some programs about Alaska on the television, and he seemed to enjoy them. He always loved talking about his visits to Alaska and Canada, in the past. This is the first time I've seen him really watch the t.v., since he's been sick. He tried to talk about it several times, but, the words didn't always come out just right. One time, I think he did try to say, he'd like to do try what they were doing(on t.v.). We were watching a program about men and women who dive under the ice in Alaska, and look for gold. Pretty interesting. Every now and then, a phrase or a whole sentence would come out completely perfect. One of those sentences went like this:
Dad: "You look like a couple of people I know."
Me: "I'm your daughter, Linda Lee."
What I WISH I'd said: "Who do I look like?" or "Who are the people that I look like?"
What I'm thinking is that he thinks I look like my mom and me. At least that's what I'm telling myself. My mom has been gone for twenty-six years this coming November. I SO want to ask my dad if he'll tell her I love her and miss her, if he gets to Heaven before I do. Is that terrible?? Is that crazy?? A lot of people tell me that I look like my mom. I don't see it. She was beautiful; she had dark eyes, dark brown hair, small, petite, very classic, Annette Funicello look-alike. Beautiful. I've always had blonde hair (that is slowly, but, surely, getting darker), blue eyes, fair skin. I've always thought I look like my dad, who always had blonde hair, blue eyes, as well.
He also asked me where I lived. I told him I live here, across town from him. He said, "Oh, that's good." There's been a few times when he did remember me, that he thought I still lived down by McAlester, which is about three hours away. He wanted to know if I had any trouble finding my way up here. I told him, "No, I found it okay, no problems."
I have a million other questions I wish I would've asked before now. Why didn't I? Why? I'll never know now.
So many things I wish I had done, said, or asked of both of my parents. So many things I would like to have known and written down. Gone. Forever. A piece of wisdom. A recipe. One more story about my childhood, her childhood, his childhood. Oh, we talked about these things, just not near enough. I would love to have known more. Why didn't I write everything down? Oh, the things we take for granted. Time. We take time for granted. It is gone before you know it.
Dad: "You look like a couple of people I know."
Me: "I'm your daughter, Linda Lee."
What I WISH I'd said: "Who do I look like?" or "Who are the people that I look like?"
What I'm thinking is that he thinks I look like my mom and me. At least that's what I'm telling myself. My mom has been gone for twenty-six years this coming November. I SO want to ask my dad if he'll tell her I love her and miss her, if he gets to Heaven before I do. Is that terrible?? Is that crazy?? A lot of people tell me that I look like my mom. I don't see it. She was beautiful; she had dark eyes, dark brown hair, small, petite, very classic, Annette Funicello look-alike. Beautiful. I've always had blonde hair (that is slowly, but, surely, getting darker), blue eyes, fair skin. I've always thought I look like my dad, who always had blonde hair, blue eyes, as well.
He also asked me where I lived. I told him I live here, across town from him. He said, "Oh, that's good." There's been a few times when he did remember me, that he thought I still lived down by McAlester, which is about three hours away. He wanted to know if I had any trouble finding my way up here. I told him, "No, I found it okay, no problems."
I have a million other questions I wish I would've asked before now. Why didn't I? Why? I'll never know now.
So many things I wish I had done, said, or asked of both of my parents. So many things I would like to have known and written down. Gone. Forever. A piece of wisdom. A recipe. One more story about my childhood, her childhood, his childhood. Oh, we talked about these things, just not near enough. I would love to have known more. Why didn't I write everything down? Oh, the things we take for granted. Time. We take time for granted. It is gone before you know it.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Loving this weather. Almost fall, but, also feels like early spring. The best of both worlds. I love sweater weather. The only thing better is a couple of snow days, spent snuggled up in my favorite sweats and a cup of hot cocoa or better yet, some yummy cappaccino, watching an old movie or reading a good book!!! Why is it that a 70 or 80 degree day can make one feel so healthy, happy, and alive? Just breathing in that crisp, fresh air makes me feel better, no matter what else is going on in my busy, crazy life.
I was able to see Jakob last night and this afternoon again!! He brought me a couple of pieces of chocolate cake last night...my favorite! I still have one piece left; may have to eat it here in a bit. :) I had a doctor's appointment today, (I have an ooey-ouchy) so I swung by their house and played with him for a few minutes. I didn't stay long as it was almost time for his nap. I think my doctor ordered chocolate cake, medicine, and sleep, so tootle-loo!! :)
I was able to see Jakob last night and this afternoon again!! He brought me a couple of pieces of chocolate cake last night...my favorite! I still have one piece left; may have to eat it here in a bit. :) I had a doctor's appointment today, (I have an ooey-ouchy) so I swung by their house and played with him for a few minutes. I didn't stay long as it was almost time for his nap. I think my doctor ordered chocolate cake, medicine, and sleep, so tootle-loo!! :)
Monday, September 17, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Little Mr. Jakob. Man, how I love this little guy. My first and only grandbaby, so far. He makes my heart just melt, every time I see him. I got to see him both yesterday and today! We went to church together this morning. He's such a good, sweet, loving little boy. How I miss him living right next door to me. He's grown so much in the few short months, since they moved thirty miles away. I wish I could see him every day.
Sunday, September 02, 2012
Okay, it's a new day. Chin up, get busy, and get something accomplished today. My list is long, and it's already 9:00 a.m. Time is wasting. Second day of a three day weekend, already here. I plan to get as much as possible done today, and enjoy my third day of this weekend relaxing, reading, and sipping on some sweet iced tea and eating a chunk of watermelon. Let's see if that happens!! :)
Saturday, September 01, 2012
Three day weekend. Bittersweet. I love that I have three days off. I have so much to do. So little time to get everything done. But, I feel so isolated and all by myself. I usually thrive when I'm alone. But, not anymore. It's too hard. I don't want to be alone anymore. So many things I need to do around the house. So many things breaking or falling apart and I don't know how to fix them. My daddy used to help me with those little things, and even the big things. Now my daddy doesn't even know who I am most of the time. Sometimes, he does, but most of the time, he doesn't. That's a hard pill to swallow. When he looks at me and says, "Now, who are you?" I say, "Linda Lee, ....your daughter." Then, I hug him, tell him I love him, and fight away the tears with everything I have. Then, on the short drive home, I always cry.
I spent the evening with my dad last night. He sat up for quite awhile in the livingroom with me. He would look at me every now and then and just smile. He seems to be happy and pain-free. Thank you, Lord. Some days we understand what he says; some days we don't. Last night, he would look at me, smile, then, ask, "Are you doing okay?" He asked me this two or three times. He often repeats statements or questions, because he's forgotten that's he's already asked. I understand this and it doesn't bother me one bit. However, last night, it got to me when he asked me. I fought back the tears, because I'm okay, it's my dad that is sick. Even while sick and not knowing what he's said earlier, he still worries about me. Broke my heart. What I wouldn't give for him to be well again.
I spent the evening with my dad last night. He sat up for quite awhile in the livingroom with me. He would look at me every now and then and just smile. He seems to be happy and pain-free. Thank you, Lord. Some days we understand what he says; some days we don't. Last night, he would look at me, smile, then, ask, "Are you doing okay?" He asked me this two or three times. He often repeats statements or questions, because he's forgotten that's he's already asked. I understand this and it doesn't bother me one bit. However, last night, it got to me when he asked me. I fought back the tears, because I'm okay, it's my dad that is sick. Even while sick and not knowing what he's said earlier, he still worries about me. Broke my heart. What I wouldn't give for him to be well again.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Just completed my first full week at school. Whew! I got home late almost every night, sometimes 8:30 or 9:30 at night. I'm ready for the weekend break. I plan to clean house, sleep, clean house, sleep, then, sleep some more. I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. It looks like this may prove to be a make or break year. With four out of seven of our special education teachers leaving this summer (a major stressor), we are in for quite a challenge. Two of the teachers that left were the special education supervisors in our building. Now, my friend and I are attempting to do all of the paperwork that they were responsible for, plus, our OWN paperwork, then, TRY to find time to squeeze in some "TEACHING"!!! Ha! That will be quite the miracle to pull off.
I've found the old saying, "Life is what happens when you're making plans", to be quite true.
Ahhh....life. You do like to give us a challenge, or two, or three, or more,...all at once don't ya, God? I love that You think I can handle all of this. You have much more confidence in me than I ever have. I know, I know...it builds character, it makes us stronger, it makes us appreciate You more, it makes us grow closer to You, and much more. I need that and want that, but, have mercy, I'm just about done. I just keep thinking of the part in the Bible that says You won't give us more than we can handle. I'm there, Lord. I really am. I just don't think I can handle any more problems, and I know and understand I'm not SUPPOSED to handle them. I'm supposed to give them all to you. Well, Lord, I'm giving them ALL to you. I can't do it on my own. I don't know what I'd do without You, Lord. Thanks for Your help. Love you, Lord, even when times are hard, even when I want to give up, even when every cell in my heart and body hurts, and I feel like I'm all alone on this big ball You created in only seven days.... I still love YOU, and thank you for the many blessings you've given me. This must be my latest, most recent, ever changing, valley. My very deep, dark, lonely, dry, and desolate valley. I can't do this by myself. I'm Yours, Lord. Please hear my cry and know my heart. I surrender.
I've found the old saying, "Life is what happens when you're making plans", to be quite true.
Ahhh....life. You do like to give us a challenge, or two, or three, or more,...all at once don't ya, God? I love that You think I can handle all of this. You have much more confidence in me than I ever have. I know, I know...it builds character, it makes us stronger, it makes us appreciate You more, it makes us grow closer to You, and much more. I need that and want that, but, have mercy, I'm just about done. I just keep thinking of the part in the Bible that says You won't give us more than we can handle. I'm there, Lord. I really am. I just don't think I can handle any more problems, and I know and understand I'm not SUPPOSED to handle them. I'm supposed to give them all to you. Well, Lord, I'm giving them ALL to you. I can't do it on my own. I don't know what I'd do without You, Lord. Thanks for Your help. Love you, Lord, even when times are hard, even when I want to give up, even when every cell in my heart and body hurts, and I feel like I'm all alone on this big ball You created in only seven days.... I still love YOU, and thank you for the many blessings you've given me. This must be my latest, most recent, ever changing, valley. My very deep, dark, lonely, dry, and desolate valley. I can't do this by myself. I'm Yours, Lord. Please hear my cry and know my heart. I surrender.
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
Sunday, August 05, 2012
Praying for friends that live in and around Mannford and Drumright. Praying they get some of the wonderful rain that we are getting right this moment. Wonderful rain. I walked outside and just stood in the rain for a few minutes. It is still thundering like crazy, but, such a sweet, gentle rain. I hope it stays and covers the state with abundant, life-giving water. What a precious commodity, that we often take for granted. Thank you, Lord, for the rain. I pray it puts out all the fires in our state, and saturates the ground, restores our water table, and brings renewed life to crops, hay meadows, and our soil.
Saturday, August 04, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
What a week!! Whew!! Hoping the next two or three weeks slows down. This whole summer has flown by, fast and furious!
Made a quick trip to Stillwater yesterday evening. It was time to move Morgan out of her summer dorm, and into her fall dorm. Her last exam was on Thursday. Thursday evening, we packed, loaded both trucks, and checked out of IBA. We then drove approximately TWO blocks, checked into the fall dorm, unloaded both trucks, and commenced to carrying tons of boxes and bags of "stuff" up to Morgan's new dorm room on the second floor. There was no convenience of an elevator in this building. This building is actually fairly new, but, no elevator. IBA had an elevator....old, delapidated, out-dated, community bathroom IBA, had a wonderfull elevator. This "new" dorm, does not. Needless to say, we made many trips up and down the ugly flight of stairs. My thighs are NOT happy. Nor will they be happy for quite some time, I'm sure. I stayed up after that for several hours unpacking and putting things away for Morgan. She will be working full time again, since her class is over, and I'm sure will not have time to get everything organized and put away. So, I had fun doing it for her, late last night. At some unknown hour this morning, I went to bed aching all over (darn stairs).
I got up before Morgan, took my shower, then, left shortly after she left for work at 6:45ish a.m. I walked a couple of blocks to get my temporary parking permit for campus parking, in order to avoid a $35.00 - $40.00 ticket. Morgan had told me this place opened at 7:00 a.m., and they start patrolling the parking lots and giving out tickets by 8:00 a.m. I got there a little early, as they don't actually open until 7:30 a.m.
After obtaining this golden parking permit, I returned to Morgan's new dorm and put a couple of turkey legs in the oven for lunch. Even though I wanted to finish the organizing and unpacking, I pretty much crashed and decided to take a nap. The lack of at least eight hours of good, sound sleep finally got to me. When I got up, I fixed some veggies to go with our turkey legs, then, enjoyed a nice lunch with Morgan when she came home around noon. Her boss let her take the rest of the day off, since it was so hot. We decided to finish unpacking and organizing the rest of her belongings. We got everything put away except maybe two totes/boxes. Then, it was way past time for me to head home. I was in Stillwater approximately twenty-four hours, and we got a lot done in that short amount of time.
Her new "dorm room" is more like an apartment. There are four nice-sized bedrooms, containing a full-size bed, desk, small dresser, bookshelf, and small closet. There is a nice, spacious livingroom, kitchen, and laundry room situated between each pair of bedrooms. There are two full bathrooms, to be shared among the four girls. Now, the funny, quirky part of this whole story? Two of Morgan's new roomates are named Meghan. The third roomate is another Morgan. So, two Meghans and two Morgans, in one apartment/dorm room! What are the chances of that happening? Will be interesting to see if the girl in the bedroom on Morgan's end of the apartment is a Meghan or a Morgan. I think the person setting this all up, behind the scenes, must have a wickedly, twisted sense of humor. This could get confusing.
Made a quick trip to Stillwater yesterday evening. It was time to move Morgan out of her summer dorm, and into her fall dorm. Her last exam was on Thursday. Thursday evening, we packed, loaded both trucks, and checked out of IBA. We then drove approximately TWO blocks, checked into the fall dorm, unloaded both trucks, and commenced to carrying tons of boxes and bags of "stuff" up to Morgan's new dorm room on the second floor. There was no convenience of an elevator in this building. This building is actually fairly new, but, no elevator. IBA had an elevator....old, delapidated, out-dated, community bathroom IBA, had a wonderfull elevator. This "new" dorm, does not. Needless to say, we made many trips up and down the ugly flight of stairs. My thighs are NOT happy. Nor will they be happy for quite some time, I'm sure. I stayed up after that for several hours unpacking and putting things away for Morgan. She will be working full time again, since her class is over, and I'm sure will not have time to get everything organized and put away. So, I had fun doing it for her, late last night. At some unknown hour this morning, I went to bed aching all over (darn stairs).
I got up before Morgan, took my shower, then, left shortly after she left for work at 6:45ish a.m. I walked a couple of blocks to get my temporary parking permit for campus parking, in order to avoid a $35.00 - $40.00 ticket. Morgan had told me this place opened at 7:00 a.m., and they start patrolling the parking lots and giving out tickets by 8:00 a.m. I got there a little early, as they don't actually open until 7:30 a.m.
After obtaining this golden parking permit, I returned to Morgan's new dorm and put a couple of turkey legs in the oven for lunch. Even though I wanted to finish the organizing and unpacking, I pretty much crashed and decided to take a nap. The lack of at least eight hours of good, sound sleep finally got to me. When I got up, I fixed some veggies to go with our turkey legs, then, enjoyed a nice lunch with Morgan when she came home around noon. Her boss let her take the rest of the day off, since it was so hot. We decided to finish unpacking and organizing the rest of her belongings. We got everything put away except maybe two totes/boxes. Then, it was way past time for me to head home. I was in Stillwater approximately twenty-four hours, and we got a lot done in that short amount of time.
Her new "dorm room" is more like an apartment. There are four nice-sized bedrooms, containing a full-size bed, desk, small dresser, bookshelf, and small closet. There is a nice, spacious livingroom, kitchen, and laundry room situated between each pair of bedrooms. There are two full bathrooms, to be shared among the four girls. Now, the funny, quirky part of this whole story? Two of Morgan's new roomates are named Meghan. The third roomate is another Morgan. So, two Meghans and two Morgans, in one apartment/dorm room! What are the chances of that happening? Will be interesting to see if the girl in the bedroom on Morgan's end of the apartment is a Meghan or a Morgan. I think the person setting this all up, behind the scenes, must have a wickedly, twisted sense of humor. This could get confusing.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Today's List of things to do:
1) Feed the horses. DONE! (I know, I'm one of THOSE people...put things on my list that I've ALREADY done, so I can have the satisfaction of crossing it off!) Hehehe!!
2) Do laundry; put clothes on hangers; put away. Fun, fun, fun....
3) Clean that fridge out!! UGH!!!
4) Go to Lowe's; buy gift card for Ashly!
5) Go to Habitat for Humanity house dedication at 2:00!! So excited for my friend, Ashly, and her son!! I was privileged to help paint the outside of her new house and storage building earlier this year!! I want to help actually BUILD a house next time!! That's on my Bucket List!
6) Hopefully, go visit my grandbaby on my way home!!
7) Cross off something else from YESTERDAY'S list!!
8) R & R for the rest of the day!!
On another note.....I have new neighbors!! I think I'm going to LOVE them. They are a sweet little family from Texas, with two small children. The mom LOVES horses, and asked permission to pet Charlie and Brock, and even offered to feed/water them if I'm ever gone or just need help with them. She grew up around horses and loves to ride!! She also loves to garden, just like me!! They are Christians! Thank you, Lord, for sending such a sweet family to live next door!! I'm so thankful!! :)
1) Feed the horses. DONE! (I know, I'm one of THOSE people...put things on my list that I've ALREADY done, so I can have the satisfaction of crossing it off!) Hehehe!!
2) Do laundry; put clothes on hangers; put away. Fun, fun, fun....
3) Clean that fridge out!! UGH!!!
4) Go to Lowe's; buy gift card for Ashly!
5) Go to Habitat for Humanity house dedication at 2:00!! So excited for my friend, Ashly, and her son!! I was privileged to help paint the outside of her new house and storage building earlier this year!! I want to help actually BUILD a house next time!! That's on my Bucket List!
6) Hopefully, go visit my grandbaby on my way home!!
7) Cross off something else from YESTERDAY'S list!!
8) R & R for the rest of the day!!
On another note.....I have new neighbors!! I think I'm going to LOVE them. They are a sweet little family from Texas, with two small children. The mom LOVES horses, and asked permission to pet Charlie and Brock, and even offered to feed/water them if I'm ever gone or just need help with them. She grew up around horses and loves to ride!! She also loves to garden, just like me!! They are Christians! Thank you, Lord, for sending such a sweet family to live next door!! I'm so thankful!! :)
Friday, June 22, 2012
To Do List, for today:
1) Mow two lawns, one lot, and one pasture. It's time. I've been putting it off. Need to mow before it turns into a baling hay job.
2) Clean the kitchen. Clean the fridge out. Too many science projects in there. ;)
3) Vacuum and shampoo carpet. I forgot what color my carpet is SUPPOSED to be!
4) Start packing for next weekend's trip!! :)
5) Purchase birthday gift and goodies for next weekend's trip!
6) Decide which of the above to do first.....where's that set of dice?
7) Drink glass of mint iced tea first, in order to make the right decision....
1) Mow two lawns, one lot, and one pasture. It's time. I've been putting it off. Need to mow before it turns into a baling hay job.
2) Clean the kitchen. Clean the fridge out. Too many science projects in there. ;)
3) Vacuum and shampoo carpet. I forgot what color my carpet is SUPPOSED to be!
4) Start packing for next weekend's trip!! :)
5) Purchase birthday gift and goodies for next weekend's trip!
6) Decide which of the above to do first.....where's that set of dice?
7) Drink glass of mint iced tea first, in order to make the right decision....
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
(I can do that, right? A bucket list for summer only? Yes, my vote is YES, I can do that!)
1. Read at least five of the books on my "To Read" list! (currently reading two books, I can never just read one at a time.)
2. FINISH cleaning my house SOON!!
3. Go on a solo road trip. Wait, I've already done that! Went to Canton, Texas, a couple of weekends ago!! First Monday Trade Days!! DONE!!!
4. Go on a road trip with friends. On the schedule for NEXT weekend!! :) Can't wait!
5. Go to at least one movie in the theater.
6. Go to at least one play at the PAC, haven't been to one in a while.
7. Go to a Driller's game. Haven't been to one of those in a while either.
8. Get caught up on my painting projects!
9. Write, write, write!!!
10. Go for a hot air balloon ride.
11. Lose 20 more pounds!
12. After losing 20 more pounds, go skydiving!
13. Go swimming!!
14. Meet the man of my dreams.....hahaha!! Yeah, right! Then,
15. Dance in the rain.
16. Go to the new Admiral Twin Drive-In Theater!
17. Go to a rodeo.
18. Go fishing.
19. Shampoo my carpet.
20. Visit friends and family more.
21. Oh, almost forgot!! Go camping!! I miss camping so much!! It's been YEARS!!
Don't want much, do I?? :) Let's see how many of these items I get accomplished!
(I can do that, right? A bucket list for summer only? Yes, my vote is YES, I can do that!)
1. Read at least five of the books on my "To Read" list! (currently reading two books, I can never just read one at a time.)
2. FINISH cleaning my house SOON!!
3. Go on a solo road trip. Wait, I've already done that! Went to Canton, Texas, a couple of weekends ago!! First Monday Trade Days!! DONE!!!
4. Go on a road trip with friends. On the schedule for NEXT weekend!! :) Can't wait!
5. Go to at least one movie in the theater.
6. Go to at least one play at the PAC, haven't been to one in a while.
7. Go to a Driller's game. Haven't been to one of those in a while either.
8. Get caught up on my painting projects!
9. Write, write, write!!!
10. Go for a hot air balloon ride.
11. Lose 20 more pounds!
12. After losing 20 more pounds, go skydiving!
13. Go swimming!!
14. Meet the man of my dreams.....hahaha!! Yeah, right! Then,
15. Dance in the rain.
16. Go to the new Admiral Twin Drive-In Theater!
17. Go to a rodeo.
18. Go fishing.
19. Shampoo my carpet.
20. Visit friends and family more.
21. Oh, almost forgot!! Go camping!! I miss camping so much!! It's been YEARS!!
Don't want much, do I?? :) Let's see how many of these items I get accomplished!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Please, summer, slow down. I want this break to last a LOOONNNGGG time!!! I have been busy every day since school let out. I have to get everything done soon, so I can actually start enjoying my summer break.
Once again, I feel like I'm in limbo. I hate that feeling. I don't like not knowing all the details of what's going to happen. I NEED to know the details, the facts, the plan. However, God has different ideas about that. :)
I know we're supposed to take "one day at a time". But, that's even too much right now. I'm taking one second at a time. One moment at a time.
Do we ever get to a point in our lives where everything is calm, ordered, and planned out? Do we ever get to experience peace? One would think that since I am in this house all by myself, with my kiddos living in different towns, I would be experiencing some nice, quiet, "peace". I now feel the need to go see them, go help them, go visit them. I feel the need to take multiple road trips to here, there, and everywhere. Why am I not happy just staying in this house and cleaning, organizing, and just experiencing peace and quiet?
I'm ready for order. I'm ready for calm. I'm ready to know what HIS plan is for me. I'm ready to know if I'm going to be in this house all by myself forever. :(
Once again, I feel like I'm in limbo. I hate that feeling. I don't like not knowing all the details of what's going to happen. I NEED to know the details, the facts, the plan. However, God has different ideas about that. :)
I know we're supposed to take "one day at a time". But, that's even too much right now. I'm taking one second at a time. One moment at a time.
Do we ever get to a point in our lives where everything is calm, ordered, and planned out? Do we ever get to experience peace? One would think that since I am in this house all by myself, with my kiddos living in different towns, I would be experiencing some nice, quiet, "peace". I now feel the need to go see them, go help them, go visit them. I feel the need to take multiple road trips to here, there, and everywhere. Why am I not happy just staying in this house and cleaning, organizing, and just experiencing peace and quiet?
I'm ready for order. I'm ready for calm. I'm ready to know what HIS plan is for me. I'm ready to know if I'm going to be in this house all by myself forever. :(
Saturday, June 09, 2012
Went to Claremore today; got my hair cut; met a friend; visited with her, THEN, went to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore shop. I took my friend, C., who had never been to a ReStore shop. This was my first time to go to the one in Claremore. I wasn't impressed. I like the one in Tulsa MUCH more! It's ten times bigger!! However, I did find an old blue and white speckled coffee pot for $7.00, with all the perculator parts!! LOVE!
Then.....I went to a new little crafty/antique mall. Found quite a few interesting things at reasonable prices. I only bought one thing though. It's a gorgeous, old raggedy door, with a missing glass pane on the top half of the door. Someone had the generosity to sand the door completely down. In fact, I can see just a few tiny specks of white paint that they missed. There is just a bit of carving on the bottom half of the door, nothing elaborate, just very simple lines. I love it. I'm thinking I'll do either a white wash or do the exact opposite end of the extreme spectrum and paint it a lovely shade of turquoise, add a screen where the glass once was, then sand some paint off and antique it. After that, it may become a prop for Morgan's jewelry at our next craft show, or I may just lean it up against the wall and let it look pretty! Oh!! The best part of this purchase? It was $15.00!
Then.....I went to a new little crafty/antique mall. Found quite a few interesting things at reasonable prices. I only bought one thing though. It's a gorgeous, old raggedy door, with a missing glass pane on the top half of the door. Someone had the generosity to sand the door completely down. In fact, I can see just a few tiny specks of white paint that they missed. There is just a bit of carving on the bottom half of the door, nothing elaborate, just very simple lines. I love it. I'm thinking I'll do either a white wash or do the exact opposite end of the extreme spectrum and paint it a lovely shade of turquoise, add a screen where the glass once was, then sand some paint off and antique it. After that, it may become a prop for Morgan's jewelry at our next craft show, or I may just lean it up against the wall and let it look pretty! Oh!! The best part of this purchase? It was $15.00!
Friday, June 08, 2012
I went to school bright and early this morning to help my friend move her classroom down to the basement. I know, basement? But, it's a good thing. It's a HUGE room with tons of storage. One of our other special education teachers is leaving, so her classroom was up for grabs. My friend, C., is taking that room, which leaves her room up for grabs. Since my friend's room is available, I'm going to be taking her room. So....I helped her move all of her classroom belongings down to the basement, and may I just say....she has a LOT of things! When we finished moving all of her things, we moved all of my classroom goods to her old room. Now, I have a much bigger room!! Yeah!!! I'm so excited to have a bigger, better room(just around the corner and down the hall from my old room)!!! The walls are freshly painted, well, at least they were a year ago, but, that's fresh enough for me. I love the color. It's between a sky blue and turquoise-ish, minty, color. This is one happy chica!!! :)
I arrived at school about 8:15 this morning, and left about 4:50. We took a short lunch break, but, other than that, we were packing, loading the dolly, the flat bed, riding the elevator up and down, and moving boxes, furniture, etc., all day long. I hope I can move in the morning!! My body is ready for bed. But, it feels good to be finished with moving absolutely EVERYTHING. Now, the next project will be to UNPACK all of those umpteen boxes this summer. Hopefully, while doing that, I can throw some of it away and de-clutter as I go. We didn't have time for that today; we just needed to get everything moved while we had each other's help. What a relief to get this much done to my classroom so early in the summer!! :)
We have to wait until after the custodians go in to clean and wax the beautiful wood floors before we can go back in and start unpacking our boxes. Our building is old and I love it. Others think we need a newer, modern building. Not me. I love old buildings, and this one especially reminds me of my old junior high and high school buildings back home. These older buildings have great bones, beautiful exterior character, and who couldn't love the wood floors and huge windows? Granted newer bathrooms, a more reliable heating and cooling system, and a bigger cafeteria would be nice, but, they're still performing their intended functions. Oh, and did I mention, there are several ghost stories floating around (no pun intended) about our wonderful building? I've never been one to believe in ghosts or the supernatural, nevertheless, I really wouldn't want to be in this building by myself, after dark. But, that describes any school I've ever been in after hours. They're always spooky to me (and I don't really spook easily) when it's late and you're alone in one. Oh, well, more on the ghost stories later.
I arrived at school about 8:15 this morning, and left about 4:50. We took a short lunch break, but, other than that, we were packing, loading the dolly, the flat bed, riding the elevator up and down, and moving boxes, furniture, etc., all day long. I hope I can move in the morning!! My body is ready for bed. But, it feels good to be finished with moving absolutely EVERYTHING. Now, the next project will be to UNPACK all of those umpteen boxes this summer. Hopefully, while doing that, I can throw some of it away and de-clutter as I go. We didn't have time for that today; we just needed to get everything moved while we had each other's help. What a relief to get this much done to my classroom so early in the summer!! :)
We have to wait until after the custodians go in to clean and wax the beautiful wood floors before we can go back in and start unpacking our boxes. Our building is old and I love it. Others think we need a newer, modern building. Not me. I love old buildings, and this one especially reminds me of my old junior high and high school buildings back home. These older buildings have great bones, beautiful exterior character, and who couldn't love the wood floors and huge windows? Granted newer bathrooms, a more reliable heating and cooling system, and a bigger cafeteria would be nice, but, they're still performing their intended functions. Oh, and did I mention, there are several ghost stories floating around (no pun intended) about our wonderful building? I've never been one to believe in ghosts or the supernatural, nevertheless, I really wouldn't want to be in this building by myself, after dark. But, that describes any school I've ever been in after hours. They're always spooky to me (and I don't really spook easily) when it's late and you're alone in one. Oh, well, more on the ghost stories later.
Thursday, June 07, 2012
I'm trying really hard to fight the urge to ask you to call me. I need to know that you are okay. I heard about the man that lost his life, and that there were three others injured, as well. I need to know that you are okay, that you weren't one of the three that was injured. This is killing me. I hate this. I'm praying that you were no where near this accident. I'm praying that none of these people were friends of yours. Mostly, I'm just praying that you are okay. You are alive. Please be alive.
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
I did three massages yesterday and three today. Actually, one of the three today was a baby massage! My little grandson, Jakob, watched me give his mom one, then commenced to taking his shirt off and wanting on the table for a "sawge" as he called it!! He likes his back massaged, but, he's a little ticklish around the neck. He's such a sweetie! I went to watch him and take pictures of his swimming lesson this morning, then, on to his new house to give his mom a massage.
After not doing any massages for a couple of weeks, three massages both yesterday and today, has worn me out!! I'm ready for bed, and it's just 6:31 p.m.! However, I need to go feed and water the horses first, then, I think I'll take my shower and get in bed early tonight.
Tomorrow, I'm driving to Stillwater to take some things to Morgan. I just made some chicken and rice to take to her. I'm sure she's getting tired of "microwave food". Yuck! I'm sure that would get old really fast. I won't spend the night this time. I need to get back home and get some more cleaning done, plus, I GET my massage on Thursday! I definitely DON'T want to miss that.
I've missed way too many of my massages here this past month or so. I can really tell it too.
Also, I need to get back to the gym!! I haven't gone in almost two weeks! EGADS!! I normally go at least three or four times every week. I've been doing that since last June or July. I'm addicted. I just had too many things going on the last few weeks of school, and didn't get to go as often as normal, then, when school was out, it all just came to a dead halt! Ugh. I can really tell I haven't been doing my workout OR getting my massages. I don't like it! I feel much better when I'm doing the gym and massage thing on a regular basis. My gym time is also my reading time! I read while walking on the treadmill. I'm also having withdrawal from the reading thing. I just started a new book, then, when I finish that one, I'm going to tackle as many of the new books on my Kindle as possible this summer. My cousin's daughter, H., just downloaded over 300 new (and even better, FREE) books onto my Kindle. Mostly, murder/mystery...all of John Grisham's books, all of James Patterson's, J.D. Robb, and many other collections, as well as, a new "spicy" little collection that is totally NOT in my preferred genre, but, highly recommended by several. Hmmm....can't wait to get started on my summer reading list! :)
After not doing any massages for a couple of weeks, three massages both yesterday and today, has worn me out!! I'm ready for bed, and it's just 6:31 p.m.! However, I need to go feed and water the horses first, then, I think I'll take my shower and get in bed early tonight.
Tomorrow, I'm driving to Stillwater to take some things to Morgan. I just made some chicken and rice to take to her. I'm sure she's getting tired of "microwave food". Yuck! I'm sure that would get old really fast. I won't spend the night this time. I need to get back home and get some more cleaning done, plus, I GET my massage on Thursday! I definitely DON'T want to miss that.
I've missed way too many of my massages here this past month or so. I can really tell it too.
Also, I need to get back to the gym!! I haven't gone in almost two weeks! EGADS!! I normally go at least three or four times every week. I've been doing that since last June or July. I'm addicted. I just had too many things going on the last few weeks of school, and didn't get to go as often as normal, then, when school was out, it all just came to a dead halt! Ugh. I can really tell I haven't been doing my workout OR getting my massages. I don't like it! I feel much better when I'm doing the gym and massage thing on a regular basis. My gym time is also my reading time! I read while walking on the treadmill. I'm also having withdrawal from the reading thing. I just started a new book, then, when I finish that one, I'm going to tackle as many of the new books on my Kindle as possible this summer. My cousin's daughter, H., just downloaded over 300 new (and even better, FREE) books onto my Kindle. Mostly, murder/mystery...all of John Grisham's books, all of James Patterson's, J.D. Robb, and many other collections, as well as, a new "spicy" little collection that is totally NOT in my preferred genre, but, highly recommended by several. Hmmm....can't wait to get started on my summer reading list! :)
Sunday, June 03, 2012
Hoping this works. For some reason, the last few days when I try to post, I'm not able to type in the compose box. It acts like it's "loading up", but won't ever stop "loading up" to let me type. I got into my "settings" and changed back to the "old editor" or something like that(?). I've never had this problem before. Are these problems caused because I haven't updated to the new Blogger interface? Someone please help!! I've even read all the "Help" areas. What am I doing wrong? I tried posting from my phone. It worked once, then, not the next time. I'm clueless, and really going through "writing withdrawal"!!! Help!!
Friday, June 01, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Three more days of school! Two kid days; one teacher check-out day. I CANNOT wait!! I have so much I want to get done this summer. I can't wait to get started. However, my busy agenda must wait at least three or four more days.
I have survived my first full week and two days in this empty nest. Thank the good Lord for busy, end-of-school paperwork, meetings, activities, etc., that have just absolutely kept me going 24/7, the last few weeks. I've not had much time to think about the little blond-headed, blue-eyed, sweet angel, who used to quietly knock on my front door, and greet me with open arms and the words, "Gee-Gee" (rhymes with key-key). Who am I kidding? Yes, I've thought about him multiple times, each and every day. Oh, how I miss him. I did get to see him Saturday, and then, again yesterday, briefly, and I did get a request to keep an eye on him this Friday morning, bright and early, while his mom goes for a job interview!! I can't wait!
I still have mountains of paperwork. I have my grades recorded and done. It's the special ed. paperwork that is keeping me busy. Everything has to be perfect and spotless before we check out. Every /i/ dotted; every /t/ crossed; every blank filled in; every signature in the correct place; every page numbered; and ALL of that transferred to the computer program it is stored on for eternity. Oh, and then, those pesky reports, with no template,....from hell, and me, who happens to be "spreadsheet/Excel challenged". Ugh. Yes, lovely paperwork. The Wal-Mart greeter job is looking better everyday!
Three more days. IF I can get all of this paperwork done by then. I'm having my doubts. Getting ready to go to bed, so, maybe, possibly, hopefully, I can drag my body out of bed in the morning and get to school by 7:00 a.m., to get an early start on the folders I still need to double-check before storing for the summer, under lock and key, in a fire-proof safe. I did finish combing through seven or eight of the twenty folders I am responsible for. Almost half. In one day. Busting my buns in one day to get that many done. It takes at LEAST and hour or so to get through one that has already been completed. That probably doesn't make a bit of sense to anyone, unless one happens to be a special education teacher. If a folder has been completed, that means the teacher has done anywhere from ten to twenty pages (and several hours) of tedious paperwork, invited all team members (an administrator or counselor, all the regular education teachers, any special services providers, i.e., speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, outside counselors, social workers, parents, and students who are of age), held the meeting or rescheduled it because the parent didn't show up, once, twice, or three times. That has all been done times twenty (number of students on my caseload this year). Now, I'm going back through to make sure it was all done correctly, like I mentioned earlier, no missing signatures, no blanks anywhere, no missing page numbers, goals numbered on the hard copy and in the computer system, testing up-to-date, etc. Never ending paperwork. Did I mention that I hate paperwork?
I have survived my first full week and two days in this empty nest. Thank the good Lord for busy, end-of-school paperwork, meetings, activities, etc., that have just absolutely kept me going 24/7, the last few weeks. I've not had much time to think about the little blond-headed, blue-eyed, sweet angel, who used to quietly knock on my front door, and greet me with open arms and the words, "Gee-Gee" (rhymes with key-key). Who am I kidding? Yes, I've thought about him multiple times, each and every day. Oh, how I miss him. I did get to see him Saturday, and then, again yesterday, briefly, and I did get a request to keep an eye on him this Friday morning, bright and early, while his mom goes for a job interview!! I can't wait!
I still have mountains of paperwork. I have my grades recorded and done. It's the special ed. paperwork that is keeping me busy. Everything has to be perfect and spotless before we check out. Every /i/ dotted; every /t/ crossed; every blank filled in; every signature in the correct place; every page numbered; and ALL of that transferred to the computer program it is stored on for eternity. Oh, and then, those pesky reports, with no template,....from hell, and me, who happens to be "spreadsheet/Excel challenged". Ugh. Yes, lovely paperwork. The Wal-Mart greeter job is looking better everyday!
Three more days. IF I can get all of this paperwork done by then. I'm having my doubts. Getting ready to go to bed, so, maybe, possibly, hopefully, I can drag my body out of bed in the morning and get to school by 7:00 a.m., to get an early start on the folders I still need to double-check before storing for the summer, under lock and key, in a fire-proof safe. I did finish combing through seven or eight of the twenty folders I am responsible for. Almost half. In one day. Busting my buns in one day to get that many done. It takes at LEAST and hour or so to get through one that has already been completed. That probably doesn't make a bit of sense to anyone, unless one happens to be a special education teacher. If a folder has been completed, that means the teacher has done anywhere from ten to twenty pages (and several hours) of tedious paperwork, invited all team members (an administrator or counselor, all the regular education teachers, any special services providers, i.e., speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, outside counselors, social workers, parents, and students who are of age), held the meeting or rescheduled it because the parent didn't show up, once, twice, or three times. That has all been done times twenty (number of students on my caseload this year). Now, I'm going back through to make sure it was all done correctly, like I mentioned earlier, no missing signatures, no blanks anywhere, no missing page numbers, goals numbered on the hard copy and in the computer system, testing up-to-date, etc. Never ending paperwork. Did I mention that I hate paperwork?
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Where do I begin? Well, I'm breathing. No more tears. I'm exhausted. I'm alive. Occasionally, it does hit me square in the forehead. This is what "empty nest" feels like. So far, I'm not a big fan. It's been so very hectic the last few weeks, I haven't really had a chance to even think much about it. I plan to keep busy to try my best not to dwell on the emptiness.
On Wednesday, after school, I drove to Stillwater, picked up Morgan, drove on to Oklahoma City, and spent the night there. Chris, Morgan's boyfriend, rode with me to pick up Morgan. I did not sleep a wink all night long Wednesday night. I finally got up about ten minutes before 4:00 a.m., got my shower, and got ready to head to the hospital by 5:00. Morgan's dad had met us at the hotel Wednesday night, and followed us to the hospital the next morning. The surgery went well. It was all done and over with very quickly. She had two wisdom teeth removed, but, because of all of her heart issues, her cardiologist wanted it done at Children's Hospital, so, he could be there. Of course, that was fine by me. I felt much better knowing he would be present.
We were discharged and on the road, headed back home by 10:30 or 11:00, that same morning. There were no heart-related complications, thank the good Lord, so no extended stay at the hospital. We were probably back home by 3:00 or 4:00, I'm guessing, maybe even earlier. Morgan slept quite a bit Thursday and Friday. On Friday, Chris came over to stay with Morgan while I went to two doctor appointments, one in Tulsa, one in Owasso. I had made them a couple of months ago, and really didn't want to put them off for a couple more months. Morgan was sleeping a lot, but, I just didn't want to leave her by herself so soon after surgery.
Bright and early, Saturday morning, Morgan (with one swollen jaw) and I got up, got ready, and went to watch Chris graduate! This was also moving day, for Jake and Amanda. I had promised them I would watch Jakob while they loaded the moving truck, so, we took him to the graduation ceremony with us. He was so cute; he clapped every time he heard someone else clap for their graduate!! After graduation, Morgan went to lunch with Chris and his family. I was invited, but, declined, as I had a horrible crick in my neck, and I needed to get the baby back to his parents and his new home. One of my best friends called and wanted to meet me at Jake's to see his new house. She loved their new house. It is just beautiful, I know they are very happy and proud of it.
Today....I got up early, drove to Owasso, ran by Jake's new house, dropped off a few things at his house, then, went grocery shopping for soft foods for Morgan. I came home, made homemade potato soup, homemade French onion soup, and meatloaf babies in the muffin pan! I sent most of it with Morgan when she headed back to school. I saved a few portions for me to take to school for lunch this week.
When she left, I sat down to rest for a few minutes, as I had not had much time to rest all day. Then, I went out to feed the horses, water my flowers, then, I came back in to finish cleaning the kitchen from all of the earlier cooking. I am now ready to go to bed. My wagon is draggin'....
Only eight more days of school, total. Seven kid days. Eight teacher days. I cannot wait!!! So much to do though. So little time!! Yikes!! Where does the time go? Time passes SO quickly.
I miss my kids. I miss my mom. This is hard. For the first time in my entire life, I am all alone.
Not where I want to be.
Happy Mother's Day, Moma. I miss you SO, so, so very much. Twenty-seven years since I saw your sweet face and smile, hugged your neck, talked to you...can't wait to see you again, in Heaven. Love you, Moma.
On Wednesday, after school, I drove to Stillwater, picked up Morgan, drove on to Oklahoma City, and spent the night there. Chris, Morgan's boyfriend, rode with me to pick up Morgan. I did not sleep a wink all night long Wednesday night. I finally got up about ten minutes before 4:00 a.m., got my shower, and got ready to head to the hospital by 5:00. Morgan's dad had met us at the hotel Wednesday night, and followed us to the hospital the next morning. The surgery went well. It was all done and over with very quickly. She had two wisdom teeth removed, but, because of all of her heart issues, her cardiologist wanted it done at Children's Hospital, so, he could be there. Of course, that was fine by me. I felt much better knowing he would be present.
We were discharged and on the road, headed back home by 10:30 or 11:00, that same morning. There were no heart-related complications, thank the good Lord, so no extended stay at the hospital. We were probably back home by 3:00 or 4:00, I'm guessing, maybe even earlier. Morgan slept quite a bit Thursday and Friday. On Friday, Chris came over to stay with Morgan while I went to two doctor appointments, one in Tulsa, one in Owasso. I had made them a couple of months ago, and really didn't want to put them off for a couple more months. Morgan was sleeping a lot, but, I just didn't want to leave her by herself so soon after surgery.
Bright and early, Saturday morning, Morgan (with one swollen jaw) and I got up, got ready, and went to watch Chris graduate! This was also moving day, for Jake and Amanda. I had promised them I would watch Jakob while they loaded the moving truck, so, we took him to the graduation ceremony with us. He was so cute; he clapped every time he heard someone else clap for their graduate!! After graduation, Morgan went to lunch with Chris and his family. I was invited, but, declined, as I had a horrible crick in my neck, and I needed to get the baby back to his parents and his new home. One of my best friends called and wanted to meet me at Jake's to see his new house. She loved their new house. It is just beautiful, I know they are very happy and proud of it.
Today....I got up early, drove to Owasso, ran by Jake's new house, dropped off a few things at his house, then, went grocery shopping for soft foods for Morgan. I came home, made homemade potato soup, homemade French onion soup, and meatloaf babies in the muffin pan! I sent most of it with Morgan when she headed back to school. I saved a few portions for me to take to school for lunch this week.
When she left, I sat down to rest for a few minutes, as I had not had much time to rest all day. Then, I went out to feed the horses, water my flowers, then, I came back in to finish cleaning the kitchen from all of the earlier cooking. I am now ready to go to bed. My wagon is draggin'....
Only eight more days of school, total. Seven kid days. Eight teacher days. I cannot wait!!! So much to do though. So little time!! Yikes!! Where does the time go? Time passes SO quickly.
I miss my kids. I miss my mom. This is hard. For the first time in my entire life, I am all alone.
Not where I want to be.
Happy Mother's Day, Moma. I miss you SO, so, so very much. Twenty-seven years since I saw your sweet face and smile, hugged your neck, talked to you...can't wait to see you again, in Heaven. Love you, Moma.
Monday, May 07, 2012
When I took Morgy to her pre-op appointment last Thursday, I found out that her boyfriend had not yet acquired any Senior pictures or announcements. His graduation is this coming Saturday, the 12th. This is a really good boy, hard worker, good manners, etc., however, his parents have not been able to help him with all the costs of being a Senior in high school. I felt horrible that he had not been able to purchase announcements or Senior pictures. I asked my daughter-in-law, who is an EXCELLENT amateur photographer, if she would care to take some informal pictures of Chris. She said, "Yes, of course!", much to my relief.
Bright and early, Amanda and I loaded up the baby, the camera, and a few last minute props. We drove about fifteen miles and met Chris on a dirt road. He had a certain old bridge, actually two bridges, he wanted some pictures taken on. We got near the first bridge and discovered the road was covered in water. Yikes!! Chris assured me it was "only about two inches deep" and covered with gravel, very stable. I got out, and made Amanda get in the driver's seat and she drove my truck over the water as I sat in the passenger's seat and prayed really hard that we didn't drown my precious grandbaby. Of course, Chris led the way and we watched the depth of the water on his tires. Looked relatively easy. We went for it. Chris was right, we could feel the rough gravel underneath us as we crossed the water. We got to the other side of the water safely. Oh, the things we do for our kids, and their loved ones....
We got out, took a few pictures on the first old bridge. Oh, I forgot to mention, it sprinkled and showered on us a little while we were driving to the location. I also kept praying that it would clear up so we could get at least a few pictures for his announcements. All the way from Nowata to Alluwe, it either sprinkled or showered on us intermittently, all the while, the sun was shining. My grandma used to tell me that when the sun was shining while it was raining, that meant that the devil was whipping his wife. Hmmmm....the things you remember. Miss my grandma. Anyway, by the time we started snapping pictures on that first bridge, the good Lord agreed that we needed more sunshine and less rain. Thank you, Lord, for a beautiful morning of sunshine and a hold on the rain so we could accomplish our mission. God is good. :)
After the first bridge, Chris took us to a second bridge. It looked a little sturdier. It had a steel beam on each side for the side rails. I don't know what the technical term is, but, on this steel beam about every three or four feet were the first names of different girls, painted in white. No, I don't want to know why. One of these names just happened to belong to my daughter. Morgan. I asked Chris if he painted her name on the bridge. He assured me he didn't. Okay, I believe him. I do. So, I thought it might be neat if he sat on the railing, next to her name for a picture. Then, later, I had him pose next to his truck and happened to notice where someone, probably my daughter, Morgan, had written her name and drawn a heart with her finger, in the dust, near the tailgate of the truck. Ahhh....another cute photo op!!! We finished up there then, drove back over the water to a few more locations.
We found an old metal fence, which was painted turquoise green (my favorite color, besides blue, of course) in front of an old barn, and took some pictures there, and in the field of wheat, waving in the wind. Oh, and I must tell you that poor Amanda and Chris were EXTREMELY patient with me, as I took it upon myself to be the official "poser composer"! Ha!! I was really getting into the posing aspect of the whole photography session!! It was SO much fun!! I would tell Chris "put your arm here", "turn your head this way", "sit up on top of that fence", "sit in this chair, with the guitar and wagon wheel next to it" (my props!), "look down", "look up", "turn your head to the side", "wait, no, not that far", and on and on. I was probably driving him and my daughter-in-law BOTH crazy!! But, it was SO much fun!! Oh, I already said that, didn't I? I could totally be a "poser helper girl"! Hehehe!!
The absolute BEST backdrop was a grove of wild pink and red roses though. Who would put a tall, tough cowboy, with cowboy boots, cowboy shirt with pearl snap buttons, and baseball cap (complete with fishing hook on the bill) in front of a beautiful, huge spray of the best, wild roses I've EVER seen in my entire life? Yep, that would be me!! :) He did everything we asked of him and he was a good sport, but, he did make us promise that we would NOT put that picture on his announcements. We promised. I did tell him that I just wanted that picture for me, and I would print it but not post it on facebook or anywhere else. Wouldn't you know it, that was probably one of the best pictures (well, they were ALL excellent) in the whole group of over one hundred and fifty amazing pictures. When we finished up, Chris gave us both a hug, thanked us, and offered to pay us when he got paid again. I told him this was his graduation present from me. He thanked me and hugged me again.
After finishing the photo session, Amanda and I raced home, uploaded the pictures, and began composing his announcement online. We ordered a couple of 8 x 10 collages, one for his mom, and one for Morgan. We ordered some wallet size photos for him to hand out to friends and relatives, four different poses, and one 4 x 6 of him in the midst of about a million baby wild roses. That one, was, of course, for moi. :) We submitted the order and the confirmation page said our order would be ready by 6:00 p.m. that evening, in Owasso, thirty minutes away. By this time, I think it was maybe 1:00 or 1:30, maybe even 2:00. We sat and watched the clock basically. We were both so anxious to see the actual finished product. The pictures looked REALLY good online.
In the meantime, Chris was on his way to Tulsa. His brother was having a fish fry in honor of the graduation of Chris and a female cousin of his. The fish fry was to begin at 6:00 p.m.
Amanda got a text or e-mail that our order of pictures was ready at 3:00!! We hopped in the truck and headed that way. I texted Chris and told him that we were headed to pick up the pictures, and if he wanted to meet us in Owasso, he could get his announcements and hand some out to his family members at the fish fry, since he was in a time crunch. We picked up the pictures, then, I bought a couple of picture frames for him to put the collages in. When he arrived, he wasn't going to look at the pictures, but, I just couldn't stand it; I HAD to show him what an excellent job Amanda had done!! I pulled out the announcements and showed them to him. You could see the look on his face. He liked them! Then, I showed him the collages, then, the wallets. He liked them also. Then, I said, "Oh, wait, I have to show you THIS one" (the rose picture). He took one look and said, "Do you have another one like this?" I said, "No, but, I can print another one for myself; you can have this one if you want it." He said, "I think my sister would really like this one." I said, "Then, it is yours to give to her." He then, thanked us both AGAIN, and gave me a hug. As he was walking away, he said, "If there's ever anything I can do for either of you, just let me know, I'd be glad to do it."
THAT, is what life is ALL about.
Helping other people.
What an amazing gift, to be able to do something so small, yet, so meaningful, for one young man, who needed just a little bit of help. Thank you, so much, Amanda, for making this possible. I love you. You are amazing, awesome, wildly talented, smart, and very special to me.
Thank you, Jakob, for being such a good little boy all day long while we took you in and out of your carseat at least a hundred times, drove you at least halfway across the state (it seemed), and your "GeeGee" let your little foot fall in a crack in that first bridge (I'm so sorry!!).
Thank you, Lord, for the sunshine and beautiful weather during the photo session. Thank you for keeping us safe while we crossed the water over the road. Thank you for keeping my truck running after the scary metal sounds coming from my brake pads (after driving through the water the second time). But, most of all, dear Lord, thank you for blessingAmanda and me with this opportunity to help a sweet boy who is just starting out in life.
Bright and early, Amanda and I loaded up the baby, the camera, and a few last minute props. We drove about fifteen miles and met Chris on a dirt road. He had a certain old bridge, actually two bridges, he wanted some pictures taken on. We got near the first bridge and discovered the road was covered in water. Yikes!! Chris assured me it was "only about two inches deep" and covered with gravel, very stable. I got out, and made Amanda get in the driver's seat and she drove my truck over the water as I sat in the passenger's seat and prayed really hard that we didn't drown my precious grandbaby. Of course, Chris led the way and we watched the depth of the water on his tires. Looked relatively easy. We went for it. Chris was right, we could feel the rough gravel underneath us as we crossed the water. We got to the other side of the water safely. Oh, the things we do for our kids, and their loved ones....
We got out, took a few pictures on the first old bridge. Oh, I forgot to mention, it sprinkled and showered on us a little while we were driving to the location. I also kept praying that it would clear up so we could get at least a few pictures for his announcements. All the way from Nowata to Alluwe, it either sprinkled or showered on us intermittently, all the while, the sun was shining. My grandma used to tell me that when the sun was shining while it was raining, that meant that the devil was whipping his wife. Hmmmm....the things you remember. Miss my grandma. Anyway, by the time we started snapping pictures on that first bridge, the good Lord agreed that we needed more sunshine and less rain. Thank you, Lord, for a beautiful morning of sunshine and a hold on the rain so we could accomplish our mission. God is good. :)
After the first bridge, Chris took us to a second bridge. It looked a little sturdier. It had a steel beam on each side for the side rails. I don't know what the technical term is, but, on this steel beam about every three or four feet were the first names of different girls, painted in white. No, I don't want to know why. One of these names just happened to belong to my daughter. Morgan. I asked Chris if he painted her name on the bridge. He assured me he didn't. Okay, I believe him. I do. So, I thought it might be neat if he sat on the railing, next to her name for a picture. Then, later, I had him pose next to his truck and happened to notice where someone, probably my daughter, Morgan, had written her name and drawn a heart with her finger, in the dust, near the tailgate of the truck. Ahhh....another cute photo op!!! We finished up there then, drove back over the water to a few more locations.
We found an old metal fence, which was painted turquoise green (my favorite color, besides blue, of course) in front of an old barn, and took some pictures there, and in the field of wheat, waving in the wind. Oh, and I must tell you that poor Amanda and Chris were EXTREMELY patient with me, as I took it upon myself to be the official "poser composer"! Ha!! I was really getting into the posing aspect of the whole photography session!! It was SO much fun!! I would tell Chris "put your arm here", "turn your head this way", "sit up on top of that fence", "sit in this chair, with the guitar and wagon wheel next to it" (my props!), "look down", "look up", "turn your head to the side", "wait, no, not that far", and on and on. I was probably driving him and my daughter-in-law BOTH crazy!! But, it was SO much fun!! Oh, I already said that, didn't I? I could totally be a "poser helper girl"! Hehehe!!
The absolute BEST backdrop was a grove of wild pink and red roses though. Who would put a tall, tough cowboy, with cowboy boots, cowboy shirt with pearl snap buttons, and baseball cap (complete with fishing hook on the bill) in front of a beautiful, huge spray of the best, wild roses I've EVER seen in my entire life? Yep, that would be me!! :) He did everything we asked of him and he was a good sport, but, he did make us promise that we would NOT put that picture on his announcements. We promised. I did tell him that I just wanted that picture for me, and I would print it but not post it on facebook or anywhere else. Wouldn't you know it, that was probably one of the best pictures (well, they were ALL excellent) in the whole group of over one hundred and fifty amazing pictures. When we finished up, Chris gave us both a hug, thanked us, and offered to pay us when he got paid again. I told him this was his graduation present from me. He thanked me and hugged me again.
After finishing the photo session, Amanda and I raced home, uploaded the pictures, and began composing his announcement online. We ordered a couple of 8 x 10 collages, one for his mom, and one for Morgan. We ordered some wallet size photos for him to hand out to friends and relatives, four different poses, and one 4 x 6 of him in the midst of about a million baby wild roses. That one, was, of course, for moi. :) We submitted the order and the confirmation page said our order would be ready by 6:00 p.m. that evening, in Owasso, thirty minutes away. By this time, I think it was maybe 1:00 or 1:30, maybe even 2:00. We sat and watched the clock basically. We were both so anxious to see the actual finished product. The pictures looked REALLY good online.
In the meantime, Chris was on his way to Tulsa. His brother was having a fish fry in honor of the graduation of Chris and a female cousin of his. The fish fry was to begin at 6:00 p.m.
Amanda got a text or e-mail that our order of pictures was ready at 3:00!! We hopped in the truck and headed that way. I texted Chris and told him that we were headed to pick up the pictures, and if he wanted to meet us in Owasso, he could get his announcements and hand some out to his family members at the fish fry, since he was in a time crunch. We picked up the pictures, then, I bought a couple of picture frames for him to put the collages in. When he arrived, he wasn't going to look at the pictures, but, I just couldn't stand it; I HAD to show him what an excellent job Amanda had done!! I pulled out the announcements and showed them to him. You could see the look on his face. He liked them! Then, I showed him the collages, then, the wallets. He liked them also. Then, I said, "Oh, wait, I have to show you THIS one" (the rose picture). He took one look and said, "Do you have another one like this?" I said, "No, but, I can print another one for myself; you can have this one if you want it." He said, "I think my sister would really like this one." I said, "Then, it is yours to give to her." He then, thanked us both AGAIN, and gave me a hug. As he was walking away, he said, "If there's ever anything I can do for either of you, just let me know, I'd be glad to do it."
THAT, is what life is ALL about.
Helping other people.
What an amazing gift, to be able to do something so small, yet, so meaningful, for one young man, who needed just a little bit of help. Thank you, so much, Amanda, for making this possible. I love you. You are amazing, awesome, wildly talented, smart, and very special to me.
Thank you, Jakob, for being such a good little boy all day long while we took you in and out of your carseat at least a hundred times, drove you at least halfway across the state (it seemed), and your "GeeGee" let your little foot fall in a crack in that first bridge (I'm so sorry!!).
Thank you, Lord, for the sunshine and beautiful weather during the photo session. Thank you for keeping us safe while we crossed the water over the road. Thank you for keeping my truck running after the scary metal sounds coming from my brake pads (after driving through the water the second time). But, most of all, dear Lord, thank you for blessingAmanda and me with this opportunity to help a sweet boy who is just starting out in life.
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Took turns mowing with my daughter-in-law yesterday, for about five or six hours!! We got her yard, my yard, the lot across the street, and the horses pasture all mowed!! Jake is going to weedeat this evening when he gets home, then spray for weeds. Hopefully, I won't have to weedeat much after that. I'll just have to mow.
Today, I helped Amanda clean out and pack up everything in their garage. Then, we packed up a few more boxes of kitchen items. I am SOoooooo tired now, but, love it when I get a lot done in a weekend. It was AWESOME having Friday off yesterday!!!
I could REALLY use a nap right now, or a massage, or a soak in the hot tub, OR all three in reverse order, however, I received the following text from my friend yesterday:
Charity: "Tamales and margaritas, tomorrow evening. :)"
My reply: "Where? What time? What do I need to bring?"
Her reply: "Mom's house. 6:00 p.m. Yourself.
My reply: I'm there!!
Happy Cinco de Mayo, amigos/amigas!! :)
Today, I helped Amanda clean out and pack up everything in their garage. Then, we packed up a few more boxes of kitchen items. I am SOoooooo tired now, but, love it when I get a lot done in a weekend. It was AWESOME having Friday off yesterday!!!
I could REALLY use a nap right now, or a massage, or a soak in the hot tub, OR all three in reverse order, however, I received the following text from my friend yesterday:
Charity: "Tamales and margaritas, tomorrow evening. :)"
My reply: "Where? What time? What do I need to bring?"
Her reply: "Mom's house. 6:00 p.m. Yourself.
My reply: I'm there!!
Happy Cinco de Mayo, amigos/amigas!! :)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
I spent the evening with my dad. Very difficult watching him get smaller and smaller. Heart-breaking to see all the changes. Sweet to hold his hand and hear his "I love you". Every time I wonder if I'll get another time. Funny how things like this make you notice things you've not noticed in a long time.
When I got back home about 10:30 or so, I stepped out of my vehicle, gathered up my belongings, and headed toward the front door. My son was on his front porch, next door. He came over to visit for a minute on my front lawn. We chatted for a few minutes, and I noticed a sweet, familiar smell.
The night was cool, with a slight breeze. One of my fondest childhood memories involves picking a few honeysuckle blossoms and pulling the stamen out of the center and sucking on it for the sweet flavor, with my best friend and next door neighbor.
Much to my delight, I suddenly remembered this often repeated event from my grade school years, due to smelling that wonderful, sweet honeysuckle scent wafting past my face. I asked my son if he smelled it. He said, "Yes, there's honeysuckle over there along the neighbor's fence line, Mom." Now, I have lived here in this house for ten plus years. Not once, do I remember smelling honeysuckle, or even noticing it growing so close to my home. Maybe when we are in crisis mode, we appreciate those little things and take the time to actually breathe them in. In my opinion, the sense of smell is by far, one of our most powerful senses. So many scents can transport us back to our early days, our high school days, college days, our children's early experiences, etc. I can smell the scent of Estee and shed a tear because it smells just like my mom always smelled. I miss her so. I can smell Playdough or Crayola Crayons and immediately remember events from kindergarten or the early elementary years. I can smell Polo and remember an old boyfriend.
Take time to smell the honeysuckle...(or roses, whichever you prefer).
When I got back home about 10:30 or so, I stepped out of my vehicle, gathered up my belongings, and headed toward the front door. My son was on his front porch, next door. He came over to visit for a minute on my front lawn. We chatted for a few minutes, and I noticed a sweet, familiar smell.
The night was cool, with a slight breeze. One of my fondest childhood memories involves picking a few honeysuckle blossoms and pulling the stamen out of the center and sucking on it for the sweet flavor, with my best friend and next door neighbor.
Much to my delight, I suddenly remembered this often repeated event from my grade school years, due to smelling that wonderful, sweet honeysuckle scent wafting past my face. I asked my son if he smelled it. He said, "Yes, there's honeysuckle over there along the neighbor's fence line, Mom." Now, I have lived here in this house for ten plus years. Not once, do I remember smelling honeysuckle, or even noticing it growing so close to my home. Maybe when we are in crisis mode, we appreciate those little things and take the time to actually breathe them in. In my opinion, the sense of smell is by far, one of our most powerful senses. So many scents can transport us back to our early days, our high school days, college days, our children's early experiences, etc. I can smell the scent of Estee and shed a tear because it smells just like my mom always smelled. I miss her so. I can smell Playdough or Crayola Crayons and immediately remember events from kindergarten or the early elementary years. I can smell Polo and remember an old boyfriend.
Take time to smell the honeysuckle...(or roses, whichever you prefer).
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I got up at 6:00 a.m. and helped Jake put his garage sale stuff out on his carport, then, we went around town and put out his signs. I dropped him and the baby off, then, went to the Daylight Donut store and bought breakfast for all of us. I haven't indulged in Daylight Donut cuisine in quite some time, several months, in fact. I will have to do at least an hour or two on the treadmill to work off those calories today!! After eating healthy for so long, it really didn't taste THAT great. But, it was quick and easy. I have a busy day ahead and I knew the kids wouldn't have time to cook breakfast since they are having their garage/moving sale.
Getting ready to take my shower, then, head to Claremore. I have a few errands to run, then, off to chop off some of my locks, not too short, just maily a trim for now. Then, when I get back in Nowata, I will grab some reading materials, then, head to my dad's house. Step-mom is going to a wedding in Broken Arrow this evening, so I'm going to sit with my dad while she's gone. He has taken several falls lately, and someone needs to stay with him to make sure he doesn't fall again. It breaks my heart that he has fallen so many times.
It's nice and cloudy and just the perfect temperature...not too cool, not hot at all. Love it, just hope it doesn't rain on my son and daughter-in-law's moving sale.
Oh, and sorry about the pity party last night...I promise NOT to do that for awhile. At least not publicly. :)
Getting ready to take my shower, then, head to Claremore. I have a few errands to run, then, off to chop off some of my locks, not too short, just maily a trim for now. Then, when I get back in Nowata, I will grab some reading materials, then, head to my dad's house. Step-mom is going to a wedding in Broken Arrow this evening, so I'm going to sit with my dad while she's gone. He has taken several falls lately, and someone needs to stay with him to make sure he doesn't fall again. It breaks my heart that he has fallen so many times.
It's nice and cloudy and just the perfect temperature...not too cool, not hot at all. Love it, just hope it doesn't rain on my son and daughter-in-law's moving sale.
Oh, and sorry about the pity party last night...I promise NOT to do that for awhile. At least not publicly. :)
Friday, April 27, 2012
Heard this on the way to work this morning. I've heard it before, but, this morning, it really hit me. How dare you. So much of this song is my story, but, fortunately, you are alive. But, are you really? I know I appear to be, at least I'm trying to appear to be alive and well. But, dang it, some days it's just so crazy hard to do. Just when I think I'm okay, I make the mistake of listening to a song like this. And THEN, yes, THEN, the very next song is a Lady Antebellum song. Yes, "that" song. It's a good thing my vehicle is well-stocked with Kleenex. I've made those people rich the last couple of years. Please tell me when this will get better, or IF it will get better. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you, miss you, want to yell at you, miss you, need you, need to hear your voice one more time, miss you, and need you now. UGH, just shoot me. I've become one of "them"....those blithering idiots who pine over "him". Sickening and just plain crazy.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
A little late updating about the "Parent's Weekend" last weekend, at OSU....so, here goes. Since it was storming Friday night, with a threat of tornadoes, I decided to wait and head to Stillwater early the next morning. More storms, more rain, lots of flooding, however, I left here by 7:00 a.m., and made it to Stillwater safely.
Morgy and I had a great day!! We had lots of fun going to a craft show and a fashion show at the student union. We're not real big on fashion shows, but, there was a free swag bag involved, so, we endured. :) We also visited the campus greenhouse, which was having a sale on some gorgeous plants. Of course, I had to buy a couple!
Afterwards, we went to an antique store downtown ( Morgan's suggestion), Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart, and of course, to eat at Eskimo Joe's and buy the new teacher and Special Olympics t-shirts!! We had an extremely busy, fun day, but, I think I wore Morgy out! She was still sick, of course, so, instead of spending the night with her, I decided to go on home. I know she needed to rest and she would feel like she needed to entertain me if I stayed.
Fast forward to this weekend. I pretty much finished my flower beds, planting, etc. However, I do need maybe one or two more bags of red mulch. But, it already looks WAY better than it did a couple of weeks ago. I finally got my jalapenos, bell peppers, mint, cilantro, parsley, and peonies planted!!! My yard looks great, if I do say so myself!! I had some help with weed-eating and mowing though. My son and daughter-in-law did all of that while I was at work Friday!!
My grandbaby spent the night with me Friday night! His first overnight sleepover, EVER!!! :) He was SO good. He's such a cute, little sweetie! He didn't cry at bedtime, nor, in the morning, when he woke up and discovered that he wasn't with mom and dad! Then, I kept him most of the day Saturday, and a little while this morning, so his mom and dad could get some packing done. They only have a few weeks left before their big move. Then, I will be here in my little corner of the world, all by myself. :( Just listen to me pout and whine!! Not a pretty sight, eh? Not looking forward to it. I try not to think of it too much. I'm glad it will be closer to the end of school, so, hopefullly, I won't be mourning too much at school!! I'm completely happy and excited for them, getting to build a brand new, beautiful house, just feeling very sad for myself. I'm going to miss them terribly. I won't be able to walk over and see little Jakob whenever I take the notion too. I won't hear his little hands knocking on my front door. I miss him already. I see lots of trips to Owasso in my future. It's only thirty minutes away, but, right now seems like a million miles away.
Morgy and I had a great day!! We had lots of fun going to a craft show and a fashion show at the student union. We're not real big on fashion shows, but, there was a free swag bag involved, so, we endured. :) We also visited the campus greenhouse, which was having a sale on some gorgeous plants. Of course, I had to buy a couple!
Afterwards, we went to an antique store downtown ( Morgan's suggestion), Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart, and of course, to eat at Eskimo Joe's and buy the new teacher and Special Olympics t-shirts!! We had an extremely busy, fun day, but, I think I wore Morgy out! She was still sick, of course, so, instead of spending the night with her, I decided to go on home. I know she needed to rest and she would feel like she needed to entertain me if I stayed.
Fast forward to this weekend. I pretty much finished my flower beds, planting, etc. However, I do need maybe one or two more bags of red mulch. But, it already looks WAY better than it did a couple of weeks ago. I finally got my jalapenos, bell peppers, mint, cilantro, parsley, and peonies planted!!! My yard looks great, if I do say so myself!! I had some help with weed-eating and mowing though. My son and daughter-in-law did all of that while I was at work Friday!!
My grandbaby spent the night with me Friday night! His first overnight sleepover, EVER!!! :) He was SO good. He's such a cute, little sweetie! He didn't cry at bedtime, nor, in the morning, when he woke up and discovered that he wasn't with mom and dad! Then, I kept him most of the day Saturday, and a little while this morning, so his mom and dad could get some packing done. They only have a few weeks left before their big move. Then, I will be here in my little corner of the world, all by myself. :( Just listen to me pout and whine!! Not a pretty sight, eh? Not looking forward to it. I try not to think of it too much. I'm glad it will be closer to the end of school, so, hopefullly, I won't be mourning too much at school!! I'm completely happy and excited for them, getting to build a brand new, beautiful house, just feeling very sad for myself. I'm going to miss them terribly. I won't be able to walk over and see little Jakob whenever I take the notion too. I won't hear his little hands knocking on my front door. I miss him already. I see lots of trips to Owasso in my future. It's only thirty minutes away, but, right now seems like a million miles away.
Friday, April 13, 2012
My daughter texts me late this morning, early afternoon-ish......"Hey, mom, this is parent weekend at OSU; tomorrow is "Mom's Day". Do you want to come up? Well, now, of COURSE, I would love to come up, but, it would've REALLY been nice had I known this even one day earlier. This tiny bit of info just twenty-four hours earlier would've saved me at least, oh, roughly, 100-150 miles of driving, not to mention the gas. I could've left from B'ville and saved lots of time, money, and gas. Teenagers are not very practical that way, are they?
Oh, well, with that said, YES, I'm going!! Can't wait to go and spend a little time with her. I also need to make sure she's feeling better after being sick all week. I was going to drive home, grab a bag, and head that way, however, tornado watches and warnings changed my mind. I'm going to get up early in the morning and head that direction. The "Mom" festivities begin at 10:00 a.m., so, I think I'll leave by 6:30 or 7:00. That way, maybe I can get there in time to take her to breakfast, before we go to the first event.
I'm hoping she has the forethought to clean her dorm room, change her sheets, and wash her dishes. We shall see, but, I could almost put money on it. She won't clean. Wanna bet?
So sleepy, going to hit the hay. Good, stormy, sleeping weather, just hope and pray the tornadoes stay away.
,"Say you, say me, say it for always..."
Oh, well, with that said, YES, I'm going!! Can't wait to go and spend a little time with her. I also need to make sure she's feeling better after being sick all week. I was going to drive home, grab a bag, and head that way, however, tornado watches and warnings changed my mind. I'm going to get up early in the morning and head that direction. The "Mom" festivities begin at 10:00 a.m., so, I think I'll leave by 6:30 or 7:00. That way, maybe I can get there in time to take her to breakfast, before we go to the first event.
I'm hoping she has the forethought to clean her dorm room, change her sheets, and wash her dishes. We shall see, but, I could almost put money on it. She won't clean. Wanna bet?
So sleepy, going to hit the hay. Good, stormy, sleeping weather, just hope and pray the tornadoes stay away.
,"Say you, say me, say it for always..."
Monday, April 09, 2012
Bought some plants on Sunday, and got about half of them planted before it got dark. I just need to figure out where to plant the extras. My flower beds are starting to look pretty good. I just need to put my weed mat and mulch down next. I bought some new things this year: red salvia, two double pink peonies, and two double red peonies; some mint, cilantro, parsley, jalapenos, and bell pepper. I added some more daylilies, hosta, and sweet potato vines to the existing flower beds.
Jalapenos, you say? The girl who has to search through the depths of the grocery shelves for her extra mild picante sauce??? Yes, jalapenos!! Since I learned how to "take the heat out of the jalapenos", I am now a jalapeno lover. Yes, I LOVE jalapenos!! When I make jalapeno poppers, I de-vein and de-seed the jalapenos, slice down the middle, remove the stem, then...(here's the secret....) SOAK the jalapenos in ice cold water for at least thirty minutes. I do an hour, just to be on the safe side! Then, I drain and pat dry. Stuff with a mixture of one-pound J.D. sausage(fried loose and grease drained), one package of softened cream cheese, and a half cup or so, of Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 for about thirty minutes, or until cheese mixture is slightly brown. Remove and add grated cheese, then, put back in oven for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese. Remove and enjoy!! Great to eat while watching OSU/OU game, Super Bowl, etc.!
Unfortunately, Morgan is extremely ill again. She just had the flu during Spring Break a few weeks ago. She went to the campus physician and he prescribed antibiotics. I just hope the meds. are strong enough and her symptoms don't turn into the flu or pneumonia. That would not be good. It's so hard to be three hours away from her when she's sick. Good news, though....the campus physician knows her Cardiologist and actually went to school and graduated with him. I'm hoping he will communicate with her heart doctor, and get some inside tips on how to best take care of her. I'm hoping the meds. will kick in quickly and make her feel better soon.
Phone issues. UGH. I quite possibly have THE worst cell phone on the face of the earth. Unbeknownst to me, I have been unable to receive text messages for at least two or three days, thus, contributing to my lonely pity party this past weekend. Ha! Finally, people start calling me today, wondering why I'm not answering their "five texts", "three texts", etc. After getting home, downloading all of my pictures, backing up my contacts, and talking to the telephone rep for at least and hour and a half, (fingers crossed) I THINK I have resolved the text messaging issue, with the help of the oh, so patient, telephone rep.
Jalapenos, you say? The girl who has to search through the depths of the grocery shelves for her extra mild picante sauce??? Yes, jalapenos!! Since I learned how to "take the heat out of the jalapenos", I am now a jalapeno lover. Yes, I LOVE jalapenos!! When I make jalapeno poppers, I de-vein and de-seed the jalapenos, slice down the middle, remove the stem, then...(here's the secret....) SOAK the jalapenos in ice cold water for at least thirty minutes. I do an hour, just to be on the safe side! Then, I drain and pat dry. Stuff with a mixture of one-pound J.D. sausage(fried loose and grease drained), one package of softened cream cheese, and a half cup or so, of Parmesan cheese. Bake at 350 for about thirty minutes, or until cheese mixture is slightly brown. Remove and add grated cheese, then, put back in oven for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese. Remove and enjoy!! Great to eat while watching OSU/OU game, Super Bowl, etc.!
Unfortunately, Morgan is extremely ill again. She just had the flu during Spring Break a few weeks ago. She went to the campus physician and he prescribed antibiotics. I just hope the meds. are strong enough and her symptoms don't turn into the flu or pneumonia. That would not be good. It's so hard to be three hours away from her when she's sick. Good news, though....the campus physician knows her Cardiologist and actually went to school and graduated with him. I'm hoping he will communicate with her heart doctor, and get some inside tips on how to best take care of her. I'm hoping the meds. will kick in quickly and make her feel better soon.
Phone issues. UGH. I quite possibly have THE worst cell phone on the face of the earth. Unbeknownst to me, I have been unable to receive text messages for at least two or three days, thus, contributing to my lonely pity party this past weekend. Ha! Finally, people start calling me today, wondering why I'm not answering their "five texts", "three texts", etc. After getting home, downloading all of my pictures, backing up my contacts, and talking to the telephone rep for at least and hour and a half, (fingers crossed) I THINK I have resolved the text messaging issue, with the help of the oh, so patient, telephone rep.
Saturday, April 07, 2012
A little sad tonight. So many changes coming at me, so quickly. My dad is very ill. He just finished up his radiation and chemo. I stayed with him last night while my step-mom got out of the house for a few hours. He has lost SO much weight. I don't want to lose my daddy. I'm still not ready.
Morgan rarely comes home. She's very busy with school these days. She stayed in Stillwater this weekend. Easter weekend.
Jake, Amanda, and the baby will be moving soon. It will only be thirty minutes away, but, will seem like halfway across the world. I will miss that baby boy terribly. I already do. I will miss so much. Each new word. Each new tooth. Everything. They are gone this weekend, as well. Easter weekend.
I'm so very selfish. I want my kids for EVERY holiday. I want them here all the time. I miss them all. I know they're grown. They all have their own lives. Funny thing, when they get to a certain age, very young age, in fact, they actually DO have their own lives. As parents, that IS our goal...for them to be independent and able to take care of themselves, be successful, etc. But, it's so hard to cut those apron strings. It hurts like hell. I want them to be independent and they are. They are good kids. I'm so very proud of them. But, dang it, it's so hard to not have them here under my wings all the time. I miss them terribly.
Everyone is leaving me. Geez, I hate pity parties. I hate whiners, and that's exactly what I'm doing right now.
I need chocolate. So tempted to make a huge ooey, gooey, chocolate cake. But, I won't.
Why do I always lose everyone? I've always thought of myself as a loner. Now that I practically AM one, I don't think I like it. Not one bit.
On a different note, I did have a very productive day yesterday on my day off for Good Friday. I finished the mowing that Jake and I had started on Thursday evening, then, I worked on my flower bed and got most of the weeds pulled, the leaves raked out and bagged up, and the soil broken up a bit. I just need to buy some new plants to add to what I've already got from last year. My azaleas survived from last year and actually have some blooms! My hostas are looking gorgeous, and the daffodils are making great progress. I want to get some sweet potato vines and maybe some more hostas. My whiskey barrel planters are full of whatever I planted in them last year. I can't remember the name of the flower at the moment, but, there are hundreds of tiny purple blooms and the plant is spreading over to the edges of the barrel. Baby Jakob enjoyed helping me while I was pulling weeds and raking the leaves out of the flower beds. He had his bucket and little plastic trowel, but was more interested in using my rake, and other "big" implements. At one point my nose met the handle of the rake he was using! OUCH! He also kept digging little shovels full of dirt and dumping them on the sidewalk. He was helping his "GeeGee". :)
Today, I went for a "hot oil pedicure" at my friend Tami's house/place of business. She is having a special this month and the above mentioned pedicure is only $10.00 (my toes are now neon pink, by the way)! When I left her house it was just beginning to rain pretty good. By the time I got back to my house, only a few blocks away, it was POURING down, bucketfulls!!! From my truck to my front door, just six to eight feet away, I got soaked. Crazy good rain. Loved it. My electricity went off several times, because of the thunderstorms.
Finally, it slacked up long enough for me to feed the horses this afternoon, about 4:00. Charlie is not letting Brock eat, so, we have to separate them while they eat. A guy came out yesterday and trimmed their hooves, and he told us to put a couple of bricks in Charlie's feed trough, and that would slow him down. Awesome tip. Let's hope it works. Poor Brock.
Morgan rarely comes home. She's very busy with school these days. She stayed in Stillwater this weekend. Easter weekend.
Jake, Amanda, and the baby will be moving soon. It will only be thirty minutes away, but, will seem like halfway across the world. I will miss that baby boy terribly. I already do. I will miss so much. Each new word. Each new tooth. Everything. They are gone this weekend, as well. Easter weekend.
I'm so very selfish. I want my kids for EVERY holiday. I want them here all the time. I miss them all. I know they're grown. They all have their own lives. Funny thing, when they get to a certain age, very young age, in fact, they actually DO have their own lives. As parents, that IS our goal...for them to be independent and able to take care of themselves, be successful, etc. But, it's so hard to cut those apron strings. It hurts like hell. I want them to be independent and they are. They are good kids. I'm so very proud of them. But, dang it, it's so hard to not have them here under my wings all the time. I miss them terribly.
Everyone is leaving me. Geez, I hate pity parties. I hate whiners, and that's exactly what I'm doing right now.
I need chocolate. So tempted to make a huge ooey, gooey, chocolate cake. But, I won't.
Why do I always lose everyone? I've always thought of myself as a loner. Now that I practically AM one, I don't think I like it. Not one bit.
On a different note, I did have a very productive day yesterday on my day off for Good Friday. I finished the mowing that Jake and I had started on Thursday evening, then, I worked on my flower bed and got most of the weeds pulled, the leaves raked out and bagged up, and the soil broken up a bit. I just need to buy some new plants to add to what I've already got from last year. My azaleas survived from last year and actually have some blooms! My hostas are looking gorgeous, and the daffodils are making great progress. I want to get some sweet potato vines and maybe some more hostas. My whiskey barrel planters are full of whatever I planted in them last year. I can't remember the name of the flower at the moment, but, there are hundreds of tiny purple blooms and the plant is spreading over to the edges of the barrel. Baby Jakob enjoyed helping me while I was pulling weeds and raking the leaves out of the flower beds. He had his bucket and little plastic trowel, but was more interested in using my rake, and other "big" implements. At one point my nose met the handle of the rake he was using! OUCH! He also kept digging little shovels full of dirt and dumping them on the sidewalk. He was helping his "GeeGee". :)
Today, I went for a "hot oil pedicure" at my friend Tami's house/place of business. She is having a special this month and the above mentioned pedicure is only $10.00 (my toes are now neon pink, by the way)! When I left her house it was just beginning to rain pretty good. By the time I got back to my house, only a few blocks away, it was POURING down, bucketfulls!!! From my truck to my front door, just six to eight feet away, I got soaked. Crazy good rain. Loved it. My electricity went off several times, because of the thunderstorms.
Finally, it slacked up long enough for me to feed the horses this afternoon, about 4:00. Charlie is not letting Brock eat, so, we have to separate them while they eat. A guy came out yesterday and trimmed their hooves, and he told us to put a couple of bricks in Charlie's feed trough, and that would slow him down. Awesome tip. Let's hope it works. Poor Brock.
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Since we didn't use any of our snow days this year, we get to take Good Friday off. So, next week, we only have four days of school! Then, during the month of May, we have EVERY Friday off. Three day weekends all month! Personally, I'd rather just take off five days at the end of our school year, but, I'll take three day weekends if that's our only choice! Either way, it's all good! Therefore, I only have thirty-six school days left, if my calculations are correct. I can't believe the school year is almost over.
I'm so ready. Ready for something new. Ready for a new beginning. Ready to do something different. Go somewhere different. Ever want to just run away? I do. But I can't. I've lived here twelve years. I just realized that's the longest I've ever lived any where in my entire life.
As a child, we moved around a lot. My dad was a lineman. I remember living in Bakersfield, Placerville, and Fresno, California; Yerington, Nevada; and many other places I don't remember as a baby. We moved with the job. Many memories, many experiences. But, Oklahoma was always home, where we always returned eventually. Maybe this is why I've always loved road trips. Who knows?
I'm getting the itch to move. I had it last year. Thought about moving to Alaska to teach. I did the online application thing. Got a few e-mails and invites to interview in Fairbanks, the Bering Strait(brrr) and Anchorage. Very tempting. I did listen to an online video chat about what all teaching in Alaska entails. It was very interesting. Teachers from the lower 48 are only able to take their clothes, basically. No vehicle, no furnishings. They provide fully furnished apartments for the teachers to rent. When arriving in Anchorage, new teachers are to order their groceries for, I think, a six month supply, then, it is shipped to the city or village where you will be teaching. The culture is completely different. I think it would just be so awesome to experience a different environment, culture, etc., and the salary is not half bad either! My salary would double. I know, everyone says the cost of living is so much higher, but, what would I really need besides food and maybe some warmer clothes? I need/want very little. I think I could even do without a television, as long as I have plenty of books and some music to listen to.
It all sounded great and exciting, however, I reconsidered and have put it on hold for now, because of my dad's health and the fact that my youngest is still in college. I couldn't get home soon enough if anything happened to either of them. Morgan usually has to have surgery on an average of about every three to four years, and it's usually a pretty short term notice. I need to stick pretty close to her; I wouldn't want to be half a world away from her if that happened.
Miss you. Like crazy.
I'm so ready. Ready for something new. Ready for a new beginning. Ready to do something different. Go somewhere different. Ever want to just run away? I do. But I can't. I've lived here twelve years. I just realized that's the longest I've ever lived any where in my entire life.
As a child, we moved around a lot. My dad was a lineman. I remember living in Bakersfield, Placerville, and Fresno, California; Yerington, Nevada; and many other places I don't remember as a baby. We moved with the job. Many memories, many experiences. But, Oklahoma was always home, where we always returned eventually. Maybe this is why I've always loved road trips. Who knows?
I'm getting the itch to move. I had it last year. Thought about moving to Alaska to teach. I did the online application thing. Got a few e-mails and invites to interview in Fairbanks, the Bering Strait(brrr) and Anchorage. Very tempting. I did listen to an online video chat about what all teaching in Alaska entails. It was very interesting. Teachers from the lower 48 are only able to take their clothes, basically. No vehicle, no furnishings. They provide fully furnished apartments for the teachers to rent. When arriving in Anchorage, new teachers are to order their groceries for, I think, a six month supply, then, it is shipped to the city or village where you will be teaching. The culture is completely different. I think it would just be so awesome to experience a different environment, culture, etc., and the salary is not half bad either! My salary would double. I know, everyone says the cost of living is so much higher, but, what would I really need besides food and maybe some warmer clothes? I need/want very little. I think I could even do without a television, as long as I have plenty of books and some music to listen to.
It all sounded great and exciting, however, I reconsidered and have put it on hold for now, because of my dad's health and the fact that my youngest is still in college. I couldn't get home soon enough if anything happened to either of them. Morgan usually has to have surgery on an average of about every three to four years, and it's usually a pretty short term notice. I need to stick pretty close to her; I wouldn't want to be half a world away from her if that happened.
Miss you. Like crazy.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Morgan left yesterday, headed back to her dorm room. I guess Mom is too boring to live with for a few more days?? She said she needed to study and knew she wouldn't study if she stayed here. True. I suggested she study two or three times, but instead she chose to catch up on her favorite shows on Netflix. Four days together. That has to be a record. We love each other to pieces but, don't usually get along more than a couple of days in the same house together. We're both pretty stubborn. She's nineteen. Everyone keeps telling me we'll eventually get along great. I'm ready for that day to happen. Please, Lord, let me live long enough for that to happen. :)
It's awfully quiet in this big 'ol house now. Funny how when she leaves, I get a little depressed, sad, and anxious. I worry about her taking her meds.; I worry about her getting sick or her defibrillator going off as she's driving down the highway; I worry about her making it from point A to point B, alive. I worry way too much. I always tell her "call me when you get there". She almost always forgets. Then I call or text her to make sure she made it. I know God is taking care of her and always has.
I wish I could say "it gets better the older they get". It doesn't. I still worry about my twenty-nine year old that lives right next door. He drives an hour one way to work. While I'm getting ready in the morning, I have the Tulsa news on the television. I listen to the traffic reports as I'm getting ready. If I hear of an accident any where along his route, I have to text him to make sure he's made it to work alright. He always does. I know this probably annoys the living daylights out of both of my kids. I just can't turn it off though. I remember my mom did the same with me. Every Sunday, as I was leaving to go back to college, she would say, "Call me when you get there, so I'll know you made it okay." I would say, "Okay, Mom, I will." Did I remember 100% of the time? No. Hardly ever, in fact. She would end up calling me, and I would feel so bad that I had forgotten.
Three more days of Spring Break. Ugh...it went by WAY too quickly. :( I'm going to Tulsa this afternoon, meeting friends for a birthday celebration, not mine....my friend I've known since 7th grade. Another friend, I've known since 9th grade will be there, then, a couple others. I will stay all night with June Bug, the birthday girl, then, get up early in the morning and go see the much awaited movie "The Hunger Games", with my son, daughter-in-law, and grandbaby, at 10:00 in the morning. Then, I will drive to Stillwater, pick Morgan up, then head to OKC, to go to the Bead Show!! Morgan needs to make me an OSU necklace, so I'm going to buy some black and orange beads!! Of all the necklaces she's made, I only have two or three, mostly turquoise, and no OSU necklaces.
Then, I'm driving home Saturday evening after the Bead Show, and rest on Sunday, before going back to school.
I haven't seen my dad all week. I didn't want to chance passing the flu on to him. I have called to check on him and talk to him though. Miss him.
It's awfully quiet in this big 'ol house now. Funny how when she leaves, I get a little depressed, sad, and anxious. I worry about her taking her meds.; I worry about her getting sick or her defibrillator going off as she's driving down the highway; I worry about her making it from point A to point B, alive. I worry way too much. I always tell her "call me when you get there". She almost always forgets. Then I call or text her to make sure she made it. I know God is taking care of her and always has.
I wish I could say "it gets better the older they get". It doesn't. I still worry about my twenty-nine year old that lives right next door. He drives an hour one way to work. While I'm getting ready in the morning, I have the Tulsa news on the television. I listen to the traffic reports as I'm getting ready. If I hear of an accident any where along his route, I have to text him to make sure he's made it to work alright. He always does. I know this probably annoys the living daylights out of both of my kids. I just can't turn it off though. I remember my mom did the same with me. Every Sunday, as I was leaving to go back to college, she would say, "Call me when you get there, so I'll know you made it okay." I would say, "Okay, Mom, I will." Did I remember 100% of the time? No. Hardly ever, in fact. She would end up calling me, and I would feel so bad that I had forgotten.
Three more days of Spring Break. Ugh...it went by WAY too quickly. :( I'm going to Tulsa this afternoon, meeting friends for a birthday celebration, not mine....my friend I've known since 7th grade. Another friend, I've known since 9th grade will be there, then, a couple others. I will stay all night with June Bug, the birthday girl, then, get up early in the morning and go see the much awaited movie "The Hunger Games", with my son, daughter-in-law, and grandbaby, at 10:00 in the morning. Then, I will drive to Stillwater, pick Morgan up, then head to OKC, to go to the Bead Show!! Morgan needs to make me an OSU necklace, so I'm going to buy some black and orange beads!! Of all the necklaces she's made, I only have two or three, mostly turquoise, and no OSU necklaces.
Then, I'm driving home Saturday evening after the Bead Show, and rest on Sunday, before going back to school.
I haven't seen my dad all week. I didn't want to chance passing the flu on to him. I have called to check on him and talk to him though. Miss him.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Enjoying spending time with Morgan. Even though she's sick, which I hate, we are enjoying each other's company. I've cooked more in the last two days, than I normally cook in a week!! However, we're about to decide other than the chicken noodle soup, she probably needs to stick to clear liquids for another day or two. She's still a bit nauseous after she eats. Fever is better though. Almost back down to where it should be. Thank you, Lord.
We did find out today that she has Type A flu, or H1N1, more commonly known as the "swine flu". Hmmm....she just finished up working/volunteering at OYE, the world's largest youth livestock show, right here in Oklahoma. Guess what she worked with? Swine. Coincidence?? I must do research.
I talked to my Dad today on the phone. I had planned on visiting with him every day this week, since I'm out of school for Spring Break. However, I wouldn't dare risk giving him the flu while he's doing the chemo and radiation. I don't have any symptoms, but, being locked in the house with Morgan while she has it, I very well could get it, especially since I have Lupus. I'm doing everything possible to prevent that from happening though. We are washing our hands A LOT(of course, I'm almost OCD about this anyway on a daily basis), using Clorox wet wipes on everything she touches, I'm the only one handling food, dishes, etc. (translation=waiting on her hand and foot), Germ-x by her side at all times to use after she sneezes, coughs, blows nose, breathes, etc. ;)
Anyway, back to my dad. He was able to hold a short conversation and it was coherent. He stated that it was cold and rainy, and it is. He's not as big a fan of the rain as I am, except when we really need it. We actually do need it now, but, he doesn't quite understand that now. He just knows that it's making him cold. It was good to talk to him though. Just wish I could spend more time with him, in person, this week. But, he would want me to spend time with Morgy, and I am enjoying her being home from college. It's been a long time since I've been able to spend this much time with her.
We did find out today that she has Type A flu, or H1N1, more commonly known as the "swine flu". Hmmm....she just finished up working/volunteering at OYE, the world's largest youth livestock show, right here in Oklahoma. Guess what she worked with? Swine. Coincidence?? I must do research.
I talked to my Dad today on the phone. I had planned on visiting with him every day this week, since I'm out of school for Spring Break. However, I wouldn't dare risk giving him the flu while he's doing the chemo and radiation. I don't have any symptoms, but, being locked in the house with Morgan while she has it, I very well could get it, especially since I have Lupus. I'm doing everything possible to prevent that from happening though. We are washing our hands A LOT(of course, I'm almost OCD about this anyway on a daily basis), using Clorox wet wipes on everything she touches, I'm the only one handling food, dishes, etc. (translation=waiting on her hand and foot), Germ-x by her side at all times to use after she sneezes, coughs, blows nose, breathes, etc. ;)
Anyway, back to my dad. He was able to hold a short conversation and it was coherent. He stated that it was cold and rainy, and it is. He's not as big a fan of the rain as I am, except when we really need it. We actually do need it now, but, he doesn't quite understand that now. He just knows that it's making him cold. It was good to talk to him though. Just wish I could spend more time with him, in person, this week. But, he would want me to spend time with Morgy, and I am enjoying her being home from college. It's been a long time since I've been able to spend this much time with her.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Well, looks like I will get to spend some time with Morgy this week after all. However, not under the best of circumstances though. She spent the last three days working at OYE in OKC, then, drove to McAlester yesterday, to spend a few days with my aunt, whom she calls "grandma".
My aunt kept her while I worked the first four or five years of her life. My aunt and uncle are solely responsible for spoiling her rotten. They took really good care of her. Since my mom had already passed away before Morgan was born, my Aunt Retha took over the role of "grandma" for Morgan.
Morgan arrived in McAlester yesterday afternoon and started having some symptoms of a sore throat, coughing, headache, etc. She felt worse this morning, developed a fever, and decided to come on home, so as not to pass it on to my aunt.
We met in Owasso, and I took her to the doctor. With her heart conditions, Morgan's "cold symptoms" turn into the flu or pneumonia almost overnight most of the time. We were able to walk in and get an appointment by 2:30. Unfortunately, she did test positive for the flu, even though she'd had a flu shot. She drove on home, while I stayed in Owasso to wait for the results and get the medicine if it did turn out to be the flu.
When I returned home, I made another batch of chicken noodle soup and began pushing the fluids. She has taken her flu meds., heart meds., drank water, orange juice, hot tea, and is resting. I'm so glad she made the drive back home okay and is here instead of at school. Thank goodness for Spring Break! At least she is not missing classes, and I can take care of her. I miss her. She's growing up. I can't believe she'll be twenty in just a few short months, and have two years of college under her belt. How time flies.
Speaking of growing up, she is still growing in height!! She is actually 5' 8 3/4" tall!! She has passed me up, big time. I am only 5 '5" if I'm really stretching and standing as straight as possible.
Getting LOTS of rain. They are issuing flood warnings. Lots of thunder and lightening....good sleep tonight. :)
My aunt kept her while I worked the first four or five years of her life. My aunt and uncle are solely responsible for spoiling her rotten. They took really good care of her. Since my mom had already passed away before Morgan was born, my Aunt Retha took over the role of "grandma" for Morgan.
Morgan arrived in McAlester yesterday afternoon and started having some symptoms of a sore throat, coughing, headache, etc. She felt worse this morning, developed a fever, and decided to come on home, so as not to pass it on to my aunt.
We met in Owasso, and I took her to the doctor. With her heart conditions, Morgan's "cold symptoms" turn into the flu or pneumonia almost overnight most of the time. We were able to walk in and get an appointment by 2:30. Unfortunately, she did test positive for the flu, even though she'd had a flu shot. She drove on home, while I stayed in Owasso to wait for the results and get the medicine if it did turn out to be the flu.
When I returned home, I made another batch of chicken noodle soup and began pushing the fluids. She has taken her flu meds., heart meds., drank water, orange juice, hot tea, and is resting. I'm so glad she made the drive back home okay and is here instead of at school. Thank goodness for Spring Break! At least she is not missing classes, and I can take care of her. I miss her. She's growing up. I can't believe she'll be twenty in just a few short months, and have two years of college under her belt. How time flies.
Speaking of growing up, she is still growing in height!! She is actually 5' 8 3/4" tall!! She has passed me up, big time. I am only 5 '5" if I'm really stretching and standing as straight as possible.
Getting LOTS of rain. They are issuing flood warnings. Lots of thunder and lightening....good sleep tonight. :)
Sunday, March 18, 2012
I made some homemade chicken noodle soup for my dad this morning and took it over around noon. I sat with him while he ate quietly. He didn't talk much, just shrugging his shoulders sometimes when I would ask a question. He did eat a good sized bowl of the soup, and for that, I am very thankful and happy. He has lost so much weight. I am just thankful that he is still doing the radiation and chemo, and not getting sick because of it. I am thankful for his hugs and an "I love you," every time I see him. As soon as he finished his soup, he got up and went back to bed.
My kids and I went to the Oilers game this afternoon, in Tulsa. It was my second game and their first. They loved it! I can't believe I've wanted to go to a hockey game all these years and just now finding time to go. I love every minute of it, and I've never been a huge sports fan, unless I know some of the players, such as some of my students or nieces or nephews. I also love to watch when OSU plays OU, and sometimes, maybe even when OU plays Texas. I think I've found my new favorite sport!!
The last two days have been extremely fun and eventful. My eyelids are very heavy. Goodnight, all.
My kids and I went to the Oilers game this afternoon, in Tulsa. It was my second game and their first. They loved it! I can't believe I've wanted to go to a hockey game all these years and just now finding time to go. I love every minute of it, and I've never been a huge sports fan, unless I know some of the players, such as some of my students or nieces or nephews. I also love to watch when OSU plays OU, and sometimes, maybe even when OU plays Texas. I think I've found my new favorite sport!!
The last two days have been extremely fun and eventful. My eyelids are very heavy. Goodnight, all.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Oh, me, oh, my!!! It's a "hurts to move night"....Five hours of painting the exterior of a house with a....get ready.....PAINT BRUSH!!!! NO rollers in sight. Wow!! I am one tired puppy!! It was fun getting to help Ashly though. Also, got to see another massage therapist friend at Ashly's painting party...Miss Amanda B.!! We had ourselves a little mini-reunion!!
Then, I braved the crowds of Wal-Mart to get veggies to grill. So glad I went to a Wal-Mart out of town, as I had a good portion of Ashly's paint on my jeans, Eskimo Joe shirt, my feet, and my hands. So, if you see me in the next e-mail with all the crazily(is that a word?) dressed people, I'll be right there with them! Anywho,..... I bought asparagus, kale, bell peppers (on sale for fifty cents each!), Romaine hearts, nectarines, and some strawberries. Yum, my two favorite fruits!!
I had planned on taking a shower as soon as I got home, however, it was getting late, and my son (who happens to live next door) was ready to start grilling. When he plans to grill, he always offers to cook whatever I want to throw on the grill!! I take advantage and always cook lots of veggies to last me at least a few days. I already had a head of cabbage, so, I prepared that and the following: two bunches of asparagus with a little tiny bit of Lovera's Italian salad dressing drizzled all over; the Romaine hearts w/a wee bit of extra virgin light olive oil; and the bell peppers. Will figure out how to do the kale later. I was being rushed... ;)
While Jake was grilling, my daughter-in-law decided to mow my lawn and their lawn!! :) Thank you, Amanda! So, while Jake and Amanda were busy, I put Jakob in his little red wagon and took him for a nice long walk, up and down the street a couple of times. He loved it. He is definitely an outdoorsman! We walked, well, actually, I walked, he rode, for at least thirty minutes. The weather was beautiful. A little cloudy, but, just the right temperature, and a little breezy. Perfect walking weather. Perfect grilling weather, well, maybe a little too breezy for that.
When Jakob and I got back from our walk, his moma and daddy were carrying all of the food over to my house. Yum!! Jake is great as a grill chef! I'm so stuffed full of veggies, it's not EVEN funny.
If that wasn't enough for one day, I decided to whip up a batch of my homemade laundry detergent, homemade fabric softener, and homemade liquid bath soap. I kind of roped Jake and Amanda into helping me with that project! However, it's quick and easy to do, and even faster when you have a couple of helpers. I've made the laundry detergent before and LOVE it, but, this is my first time to make the fabric softener and the liquid bath soap. I'm excited to try the two new things out!!
Now, excuse me while I got soak in a hot tub with lavender scented epsom salts! Yes, I'm officially an old lady!! OUCH!! Then, it's off to bed. I have a hockey game to go to tomorrow!! Can't wait!! :)
Then, I braved the crowds of Wal-Mart to get veggies to grill. So glad I went to a Wal-Mart out of town, as I had a good portion of Ashly's paint on my jeans, Eskimo Joe shirt, my feet, and my hands. So, if you see me in the next e-mail with all the crazily(is that a word?) dressed people, I'll be right there with them! Anywho,..... I bought asparagus, kale, bell peppers (on sale for fifty cents each!), Romaine hearts, nectarines, and some strawberries. Yum, my two favorite fruits!!
I had planned on taking a shower as soon as I got home, however, it was getting late, and my son (who happens to live next door) was ready to start grilling. When he plans to grill, he always offers to cook whatever I want to throw on the grill!! I take advantage and always cook lots of veggies to last me at least a few days. I already had a head of cabbage, so, I prepared that and the following: two bunches of asparagus with a little tiny bit of Lovera's Italian salad dressing drizzled all over; the Romaine hearts w/a wee bit of extra virgin light olive oil; and the bell peppers. Will figure out how to do the kale later. I was being rushed... ;)
While Jake was grilling, my daughter-in-law decided to mow my lawn and their lawn!! :) Thank you, Amanda! So, while Jake and Amanda were busy, I put Jakob in his little red wagon and took him for a nice long walk, up and down the street a couple of times. He loved it. He is definitely an outdoorsman! We walked, well, actually, I walked, he rode, for at least thirty minutes. The weather was beautiful. A little cloudy, but, just the right temperature, and a little breezy. Perfect walking weather. Perfect grilling weather, well, maybe a little too breezy for that.
When Jakob and I got back from our walk, his moma and daddy were carrying all of the food over to my house. Yum!! Jake is great as a grill chef! I'm so stuffed full of veggies, it's not EVEN funny.
If that wasn't enough for one day, I decided to whip up a batch of my homemade laundry detergent, homemade fabric softener, and homemade liquid bath soap. I kind of roped Jake and Amanda into helping me with that project! However, it's quick and easy to do, and even faster when you have a couple of helpers. I've made the laundry detergent before and LOVE it, but, this is my first time to make the fabric softener and the liquid bath soap. I'm excited to try the two new things out!!
Now, excuse me while I got soak in a hot tub with lavender scented epsom salts! Yes, I'm officially an old lady!! OUCH!! Then, it's off to bed. I have a hockey game to go to tomorrow!! Can't wait!! :)
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thank you, Lord. Spring Break, finally!! Nine days out of school. I'm so ready for this break. I'm ready to do my spring cleaning!! Wow, it's pretty sad when I get excited about cleaning house. I normally schedule my spring break away and end up traveling here and there to doctor's or dentist's appointments, going to visit family/friends. I don't mind the visiting, but, at the end of the week, I don't feel like I've accomplished anything.
I'm so excited about going to help a friend paint her brand new house tomorrow morning. She is a young, single mom, who was given the opportunity to help build her own home through Habitat for Humanity. I've always wanted to help on one of these homes. This is an item I can cross off of my bucket list. However, I still want to help do some of the actual construction of one of the Habitat for Humanity homes. So, I may wait to cross this off my list until I get to help to some of the actual building!
I'm so excited about going to help a friend paint her brand new house tomorrow morning. She is a young, single mom, who was given the opportunity to help build her own home through Habitat for Humanity. I've always wanted to help on one of these homes. This is an item I can cross off of my bucket list. However, I still want to help do some of the actual construction of one of the Habitat for Humanity homes. So, I may wait to cross this off my list until I get to help to some of the actual building!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Another very busy day at school. Lots of paperwork to go over before Spring Break!! ONE MORE DAY!!! I'm going to go in at 7:00 a.m., in the morning, to see if I can get everything completed before I walk out of the school building at 3:15 p.m. tomorrow!!! Looking forward to NINE days off!! :) My kiddos were extremely good today and I was able to go through all of my Confidential folders in order to see what still needs to be done before ending the year in May. Too bad I don't own stock in Post-it notes!! I used a ton of them today!! The shredder is also my best friend.
I was really excited a couple of days ago to find out that since we didn't use ANY of our snow days this year, we will get Good Friday off, then, every Friday in May!!! Four day work week!! Yes!! Not too shabby. If I had my druthers though, I'd love it if they put all those days together and just let us out a week early!! Oh, well, beggars can't be chosers, eh? I'll take a few three day weekends!! I think I can find something to keep myself amused and or busy.
Oh, my, I really need to hit the hay. Early day tomorrow, and one last IEP meeting squeezed in before Spring Break!!
I was really excited a couple of days ago to find out that since we didn't use ANY of our snow days this year, we will get Good Friday off, then, every Friday in May!!! Four day work week!! Yes!! Not too shabby. If I had my druthers though, I'd love it if they put all those days together and just let us out a week early!! Oh, well, beggars can't be chosers, eh? I'll take a few three day weekends!! I think I can find something to keep myself amused and or busy.
Oh, my, I really need to hit the hay. Early day tomorrow, and one last IEP meeting squeezed in before Spring Break!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
TWO MORE DAYS!!! Spring Break, here we come!!! Absolutely cannot wait!!! Fourteen more class periods. Less than 48 hours. No, I'm not anxious!!! Of course, I will miss my babies!!! Those precious little pre-teens, gotta love 'em. No, really, I'm not being sarcastic, I promise. :) This year has just flown by. Testing, lots of testing after Spring Break... the remainder of the year will both fly by and drag by at the same time. Only a middle school teacher, principal, counselor, or staff member could possibly understand that concept. God Bless 'em.
My Dad has had two really good days this week. He called me yesterday after I got home, and told me all about his day!! It was so good to hear him being able to convey his thoughts without struggling with his words. I went to see him and ate a little supper with him while I was there. He's losing so much weight. I'm startled at the weight loss each time I see him. It just breaks my heart. Dear Lord, please protect him from any pain he might experience from the chemo. Praying for more good days. Praying for a miracle. Praying for time. He still calls me "baby" and still tells me he loves me several times while I'm there. I don't want to think what it will be like if I lose him.
We had another beautiful day today!! Oh, how hard it is to stay inside the classroom when it's this gorgeous outside. The day started out cloudy and I thought we'd get some more much needed rain, but, it turned out to be a sunny day later on in the afternoon. Either way, I'm good. I just love the many faces of Spring!
I sat on my front porch for a little while this evening and enjoyed the cool breezes and the jibber jabber of little Jakob, my twenty-one month old perfect grandbaby, who just happens to live right next door. :) I watched Miss Kitty, our outdoor grey cat, (who is at least ten years old) dodge the quick moves of little Jakob, who doesn't yet understand the importance of an "easy pat" vs. "a rough pat". Miss Kitty is very understanding and gentle with Jakob, but also thought my lap might be a safe choice for protection. I'm going to miss Jakob when he and his parents move thirty miles down the road, but, I'm extremely happy that they are getting to build a new house. This big, old house will be lonely this summer.
My Dad has had two really good days this week. He called me yesterday after I got home, and told me all about his day!! It was so good to hear him being able to convey his thoughts without struggling with his words. I went to see him and ate a little supper with him while I was there. He's losing so much weight. I'm startled at the weight loss each time I see him. It just breaks my heart. Dear Lord, please protect him from any pain he might experience from the chemo. Praying for more good days. Praying for a miracle. Praying for time. He still calls me "baby" and still tells me he loves me several times while I'm there. I don't want to think what it will be like if I lose him.
We had another beautiful day today!! Oh, how hard it is to stay inside the classroom when it's this gorgeous outside. The day started out cloudy and I thought we'd get some more much needed rain, but, it turned out to be a sunny day later on in the afternoon. Either way, I'm good. I just love the many faces of Spring!
I sat on my front porch for a little while this evening and enjoyed the cool breezes and the jibber jabber of little Jakob, my twenty-one month old perfect grandbaby, who just happens to live right next door. :) I watched Miss Kitty, our outdoor grey cat, (who is at least ten years old) dodge the quick moves of little Jakob, who doesn't yet understand the importance of an "easy pat" vs. "a rough pat". Miss Kitty is very understanding and gentle with Jakob, but also thought my lap might be a safe choice for protection. I'm going to miss Jakob when he and his parents move thirty miles down the road, but, I'm extremely happy that they are getting to build a new house. This big, old house will be lonely this summer.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Super busy day at school. So much paper work. I'm talking monumental piles. Ugh. Not my favorite thing to do, but, I tackled a huge portion of it, and am making steady progress. I'm trying to get as much done before Spring Break as I possibly can AND still teach my kiddos a thing or two. Ha! ;) No, seriously, I really am trying to teach them something important and vital to their future. What, you say?
The skill of Reading and all things associated with it! Motivation? "You must pass your eighth grade reading test, in order to obtain your driver's license." Really? Yes, REALLY!!
For the first time, in a long time, I got into my truck when I left school today and it was actually HOT inside my truck. The weather is just absolutely beautiful. This weather makes me want to be outside. Hmmmm....maybe my class needs to read outside tomorrow???? :)
I'm ready to break out the lawnmower! There's not quite enough grass to cut, but, I can see green tufts here and there. Maybe by the weekend there will be enough to mow. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. Isn't it funny how certain smells like that can bring back childhood memories? I even like the sound of a lawnmower. Something about it says springtime, summer, barefoot weather, watermelons and raspberry iced tea goodness.
The skill of Reading and all things associated with it! Motivation? "You must pass your eighth grade reading test, in order to obtain your driver's license." Really? Yes, REALLY!!
For the first time, in a long time, I got into my truck when I left school today and it was actually HOT inside my truck. The weather is just absolutely beautiful. This weather makes me want to be outside. Hmmmm....maybe my class needs to read outside tomorrow???? :)
I'm ready to break out the lawnmower! There's not quite enough grass to cut, but, I can see green tufts here and there. Maybe by the weekend there will be enough to mow. I love the smell of fresh cut grass. Isn't it funny how certain smells like that can bring back childhood memories? I even like the sound of a lawnmower. Something about it says springtime, summer, barefoot weather, watermelons and raspberry iced tea goodness.
Monday, March 12, 2012
A high of 78 degrees today! I love my rain, but, I equally love 70s and 80s degree type weather. Makes me want to get out and dig in my flower bed. It's getting so close to Spring and I love the cozy sweater weather that comes with it!! The trees are budding out, and my forsythia bushes that I planted last fall have a few beautiful, bright yellow blooms on them!!!! I'm so excited!! I didn't think they had actually even survived. The rain this past weekend did the trick I'm sure.
Can't wait to go pick out the plants for my flower bed. Hoping that we don't receive any freezing temps from here on out. I'm going to wait at least another week or two before I start planting, to be on the safe side. Since my Spring Break is next week, it will be very tempting to go ahead and do some planting. We shall see what the weather does.
I'm also very excited to go help a friend paint her new home this coming Saturday. She was the lucky recipient of a Habitat for Humanity home. I'm so happy for her and her little boy. I wanted to help with the building process, but something has come up each and every Saturday preventing me from helping with that. I have cleared the books for this Saturday though. I am bound and determined to help her at least get the painting done. Call me weird, but, I LOVE to paint!!
Four more school days until SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya....HOO!!!! Can't wait!!
Can't wait to go pick out the plants for my flower bed. Hoping that we don't receive any freezing temps from here on out. I'm going to wait at least another week or two before I start planting, to be on the safe side. Since my Spring Break is next week, it will be very tempting to go ahead and do some planting. We shall see what the weather does.
I'm also very excited to go help a friend paint her new home this coming Saturday. She was the lucky recipient of a Habitat for Humanity home. I'm so happy for her and her little boy. I wanted to help with the building process, but something has come up each and every Saturday preventing me from helping with that. I have cleared the books for this Saturday though. I am bound and determined to help her at least get the painting done. Call me weird, but, I LOVE to paint!!
Four more school days until SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya....HOO!!!! Can't wait!!
I never sleep in. Rarely take naps. Rarely. Until today. I slept to the tune of the falling rain. Quite awhile, in fact. It was nice. It felt good. A good, long nap. I needed that. I guess I REALLY needed that. Good sleep. Rainy day sleep. The best kind. The only time I ever slept better was on a cruise ship. BEST. SLEEP. EVER. Period.
Now, it's almost midnight, and guess what? I'm WIDE awake! Wishing I were just a tiny bit sleepy, especially since I have a meeting bright and early first thing in the morning. Arrgggghhhh....hope I am able to get up on time.
So much to do, get done, finish. So little time. There are never enough hours in the day.
I have a good friend who often says, "It's either feast or famine." Boy, did she get that right. Why is it always that way? Hmmmmmm....
Time will tell. Patience. Trust in the Lord, always.
Now, it's almost midnight, and guess what? I'm WIDE awake! Wishing I were just a tiny bit sleepy, especially since I have a meeting bright and early first thing in the morning. Arrgggghhhh....hope I am able to get up on time.
So much to do, get done, finish. So little time. There are never enough hours in the day.
I have a good friend who often says, "It's either feast or famine." Boy, did she get that right. Why is it always that way? Hmmmmmm....
Time will tell. Patience. Trust in the Lord, always.
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