Friday, September 23, 2011

Tomorrow is a new day. A new beginning. A busy weekend ahead.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

is a choice to fail."

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sometimes the truth hurts. That's a fact of life.

That's just all there is to it. I'd rather live the rest of my life knowing the truth, than, wondering forever what the truth is.

If I have to say it a million times, I'll do it. I CANNOT move on until the truth is told. You owe me that much. Why can't you just do that for me? No matter how much I want and beg for the truth, it doesn't happen. I never, EVER asked you for anything. NOTHING. Why can't you give me this one thing? Why?

One last favor, then, I'll never ask for another thing from you.

Just the truth. The TRUTH. That's all. One or two sentences. Two minutes of uncomfortable pain, traded for my future. My ability to move on and heal, once and for all.

No matter how bad you THINK it might hurt me, or how hard it is for you to say, it's the one thing that will help me to heal and move on.

Unless you just really don't care and don't want me to move on...

How hard could that be? I don't know why you can't just tell me what you know will help me heal this broken heart. I need to move on. You are stealing my future. Just tell me. I will no longer be a thorn in your side, and you will be able to move on, as well. Once and for all. I know you've already moved on, but, until you give me the chance to move on, neither of us will be at peace.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

That's what I thought. You haven't changed in over twenty-five years. You cannot, WILL NOT grow up and be honest. I mean REALLY honest. It's just not in your genes. You are not capable of telling the truth. You know, and I know, you DID NOT tell me the truth. I don't care what you say. You are SO transparent, it hurts. But, you don't care. That's pretty apparent.

You think you're fooling me.

NEWSFLASH: You're not.

I hope you can sleep at night. Oh, that's right, you don't. Hmmm....I wonder why?

Man up. Start being honest with yourself and others. You just might get some sleep if you start being honest with everyone, especially yourself. Try it on for size. See if it fits.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

"The only person you're foolin' is you."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I knew you would ignore this. I knew I'd never hear from you again if I posed this question. You can't tell me the truth. No, you WON'T tell me the truth. You choose not to tell me the truth. If only you could just do me this one last favor, I could move on. I could try to forget. Heaven knows, I HAVE tried to forget, but, I can't, not until I know the real reason. Not until you admit the truth. I'm still in limbo, because I don't know the truth. I'm tired of being in limbo. I'm tired of not knowing why. Grow up and tell me the truth. You at least owe me that one little thing. You've stolen almost a year and a half of my life. Please give me back my life by just telling me one truth, once and for all.

Can you do it?

I think not.

You are not capable.

No matter how hard it is, you need to do it.



Sunday, September 04, 2011

Happy Birthday. I hope life is good to you. I hope you dance. I hope you smile. I hope you laugh. I hope your heart is warm. I hope life gives you forty-five MORE years, or better. I hope life gives you sunshine, cool breezes, plenty of fishing, hunting, good games, good races, plenty of sweet, iced tea, Dr. Pepper, and most importantly, a warm embrace and lots of love.

You have all this, and more.

I need this. I want this. When and if I am EVER able to move on, I will have this. I can hardly even hope to see it on the horizon. But, there's just one more answer I need from you before I can move on. If you truly EVER cared anything about me, you would answer this one question, so that I might have some small speck of closure and a possibility of happiness. You are the only one that can answer this one question and release me to go on and have some sort of a normal, happy life. But, only if you truly ever cared, will I know the answer. If you are a real man, you will answer my question, once and for all. Then, and only then, will I be able to move on and live again. Are you man enough to tell the truth?